Tuesday, 28 August 2012
Five Ways to Become RICH
If you are really serious about becoming wealthy, there are five primary ways that fortunes are made. The number one road to riches, at the head of the list and on the top of the hit parade throughout the history of the world, is entrepreneurship, starting and building a successful business.
Entrepreneurship includes every kind of business, from farming and transport to real estate and computers to coaching.
Seventy-four percent of self-made millionaires in the world, going back 200 years, come from self-owned businesses. An individual started with an idea for a product or service, turned it into a business, built it up from the ground floor, and as a result, he became wealthy.
People like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie, Jacob van Astor, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Ross Perot, Sam Walton, Bill Gates, Michael
Dell and Larry Ellison Odutola, Henry Fajemiroku, Dantata, MKO Abiola, Sir Louis Ojukwu, Dangote, Otedola, Tony Egba (don’t laugh! just watch out for me!) etc, are all people that we recognize who started with little or nothing and built their businesses from scratch. And there are millions of others.
Work Your Way Up
The second way to become rich in is as a highly paid executive of a successful company, or as an employee of a company that awards stock options that become valuable. Ten percent of the self-made millionaires are men or women who have joined large corporations, or companies that became large, and worked for these companies for many years. Christopher Kolade, Felix Ohiewri, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to mention but few examples.
They usually worked hard ( I mean real hard but they usually enjoy what they do!), were promoted and paid increasingly well, earned stock options, bonuses and profit sharing, and as a result of holding onto that money, became millionaires and multi-millionaires.
Paul Allen started Microsoft with Bill Gates, sold out when he became ill, took much of his share of the company in stock, and is now a multi-billionaire. The Seattle area is famous for having so many Microsoft millionaires,. People who went to work for Microsoft in the 1970’s and
1980’s, sometimes as secretaries and programmers, received stock options and became wealthy when they exercised them.
Many senior executives receive bonuses and profit-sharing worth many millions in a single year.
Working for a large company that grows, pays well and shares its profits is a major source of wealth.
Many executives have stayed with those corporations for many years, have risen to positions of seniority, are paid extremely well, and are given stock options, profit sharing and bonuses, and as a result of holding on to the money, they became millionaires.
Not so long enough, Lee Iacocca, the chairman of Chrysler Corporation, was paid 26.7 million dollars for one year. Michael Eisner of Disney earned a $150 million dollar bonus. It’s not too hard to become a self-made millionaire if you’re making that kind of money in a year.
Become a Professional.
The third major source of self-made millionaires consists of professional people - doctors, dentists, lawyers, architects, engineers, herbalists and other people with advanced degrees who can charge substantial amounts for their services.
These people earn their degrees, dedicate themselves to becoming very good at what they do, rise to the top of their professions, earn high fees and then hold on to the money. Ten percent of self-made millionaires in world fall into this category.
Get Into Sales
The fourth source of self-made millionaires is salespeople and sales consultants. Fully five percent of self-made millionaires are men and women who are experts and at the top of their fields in selling. They never started their own businesses. Very few of them went to college or earned professional degrees. Instead, they became very good at selling their product or service, and were paid well for doing it( example of these group of people abound in Aba, Onitsha, Kano and Alaba in Lagos).
In addition, they managed their money well, invested it intelligently, and took good care of it until they were millionaires or better.
Fully 99% of self made millionaires come from these four categories.
1. Self-owned businesses, 74%;
2. Senior executive positions, 10%;
3. Doctors, lawyers and other professionals10%;
4. Salespeople and sales consultants, 5%:
The final 1% of self made millionaires includes all the people who have made their money in the stock market, with inventions, in show business, through the authorship of books and songs, as lottery winners, and all other sources.
In this article, I will concentrate on teaching you how to become a money magnet and how to move toward financial independence by starting your own business, by investing in real estate, by getting onto the fast track in your current job, or a combination of two or more of these.
You’ll learn how to spot opportunities and how to get started. You will learn how to get the money you need, and how to maximize your talents and abilities. You will learn how to learn what you need to know in order to succeed financially.
The Definition of Wealth
Let’s start off with the best definition of wealth. Wealth is cash flow from other sources.
You are not wealthy just because you earn a lot of money. You are only wealthy when your money works for you. To become wealthy, your job is to acquire money and then put it to work making more money.
The key to wealth building is a simple one. It is called adding value. Successful people are those who can find ways to add value in some way to a person or business, a product or a service.
Let me give you an example of adding value. MTN, GLO, AIRTEL, etc, for instance, added value to telephoning by rapid delivery andMr Biggs, Chicken republic, Mamakas, Tanterlizer and values to Mama-Puts, “akwuku” and puff-puff and as a result, they created a multi-million Naira success story.
Another example of adding value is buying something in one place at one price and making it available in another place at another price. For instance, buying a product or service manufactured in Hong Kong, China or Taiwan or Japan or West Germany, importing it to Nigeria and selling it at a higher price is a way of adding value.
All importation and distribution is based on this principle.
You can add value with services. You can perform a service that enhances the life or work of another person which enables someone to achieve a goal faster, easier, cheaper or more conveniently( like what I am trying to do with this article).
This is another way to add value. A dentist who takes away pain is adding value. An accountant who saves client money on taxes is adding value. A salesperson who introduces a new product or service to a customer is adding value. A Herbalist who give you Bitter-melon and Ogunta to control your sugar level is also adding value!
Find a Need and Fill It
All financial success, especially business success, is based on the old adage, find a need and fill it. The subjective theory of value says that all value is in the eye of the beholder. Something is worth only what someone else will pay for it.
All successful business is based on someone bringing together the factors of production, labor, capital, raw materials and management, and creating a product or service that a customer will pay for at a price that is in excess of the cost of producing it.
This is a way of adding value to the combination of ingredients that come together to create a product or service.
This difference between what it costs to produce and deliver, and the price a customer is willing to pay for it, is called profit, or added value.
Profit is the stuff out of which fortunes are made. Whenever you see an opportunity to give people what they want at a price greater than it costs you to produce it, you see an opportunity to make a profit. If you can create a profit making system, you can build a business, and begin moving toward financial success.
Almost any profitable business or occupation can make you financially independent if you manage it intelligently.
Big Fortunes from Small Ideas
Surprisingly enough, the businesses owned by self-made millionaires are usually quite ordinary. People become rich in construction, and in sub-trades like dry walling and roofing. They become rich running dry cleaning establishments and cafes.
Some of them are truck drivers and auctioneers, farmers and crane operators, computer software designers and machine tool manufacturers. Virtually any field that offers an opportunity to excel and earn high profits can serve as a springboard to riches.
The key is to do the work better and more efficiently than others, and then to hold on to the profits and excess cash that you earn as a result.
People often ask me what field they should go into if they want to make a lot of money. The answer to this question is constantly changing, just as the wants, needs, demands and desires of consumers is constantly changing.
During the 1990’s boom in technology, and the explosion of the
Internet-based companies, millionaires were being created at the rate of
10,000 per week in developed world where internet was working then!
When these stock options fueled companies collapsed, most of these new wealth disappeared, only to reemerge in the booming home and real estate markets.
No one knows for sure where the rapid growth opportunities of tomorrow will occur, but they will continue to rise and fall as long as customer wants continue to change and create opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurial minded people.
Big Fortunes from Small Ideas
Gadafi (Shit Business is a serious Business) is a famous success story. He started off the Mobile Public Toilet business in Lagos. Soon other un-serviced neighborhoods and municipalities asked him if he would haul their “shit” as well.
He became wealthy by standardizing the Public toilet industry locally, and then nationwide in Nigeria, something that had never been done before.
By introducing mass productions methods and new efficiencies, he made shit business an extremely profitable business and became one of the rich entrepreneurs in the country.
No “leftover” turn moimoi business to extremely profitable business in Lagos and Iyadunni of “rush e” turn beans cake” Akara” business to gold mine in Osu in osun state Nigeria. I can go on and on. You too with a little creativity can turn that fashion business of your into a million Naira Business.
With God on my side, apart from my engineering business, I have been able to make millions of Naira from talking and writing! This you also can do as well! I call it talk and grow rich! Or write and grow rich! Of course you know that all these stems from “Think and grow rich!
Maximize Your Assets
The logical question then comes up, .What do wealthy people do or have that enables them to accomplish so much more than the average? I believe that these people are successful as a result of what I call leverage.
Leverage is the key to maximizing and multiplying your potential for success and financial achievement. Leverage enables you to accomplish vastly more than you could if you just relied on your own physical and mental efforts, as most people do. Leverage is the key to getting RICH.
Here are examples of leverage that you can develop and use to achieve financial independence.
Specialized Knowledge
The first type of leverage is knowledge. Specialized knowledge gives you leverage because it makes you worth more, and makes your contribution more valuable. Engineers, Herbalists, Doctors, lawyers, accountants, experienced sales people, all have practical knowledge that is of value to others.
This superior knowledge enables them to get better results faster. As a result, people prefer to use their services and are willing to pay them more. Here are three ways to develop leverage through knowledge.
First, resolve to become an expert in your chosen field. Make a decision today to join the top ten percent. Set it as a goal, make a plan and work on becoming better every day.
Read the best books in your field; take every course and seminar you can find that will help you, even if you have to travel to attend. Listen to audio programs in your car. Become an ongoing do-it-to-yourself Project.
Second, specialize in those areas that of greatest importance and value to your company or to your customers. Apply the 80/20 rule and focus on the 20% of activities in your work that contribute the most value to yourself and to other people. Specialize in excelling at those areas of specialized knowledge that customers care about the most.
Third, know your product or service inside out. Aim to be recognized as the industry expert in your field. Remember the person who has the expert knowledge can make a far more valuable contribution than the person whose knowledge is just average.
Master Your Craft.
The other type of leverage is skill. The better you are at your job, the more you will be paid. The top 20 percent of salespeople earn as much as ten and fifteen times the average earnings of the bottom 80 percent. The top engineers, herbalist, doctors, mechanics, lawyers, technical specialists and leaders in every field earn vastly more than the average performer.
You can become the best in your field today! Get up and go forth!
I am Happy, Rich and Healthy! And so are! Thank God!
Tony Egba
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
The mind of a Champion!
Today is the 8th days of August and this is my gift to you. The year is 60% gone! You can still achieve all your goals this year.
Let us roll up our sleeves and go to work. Today’s gift is a little bit lengthy but I want you to take your time to enjoy it!
The mind.
When the mind is working, it usually operates in one of three states; the past, the present and the future.
Today I want to ask you one question about each:
Looking back at your past, can you honestly say that you have leveraged every single experience to your benefit?
Looking at the present, are you completely satisfied with your life as it is right now?
Looking at the future, are you confident that things will only get better?
If you answered anything other than an "Absolute Yes" to any one of these questions then we have to talk and I want you to please pay attention to what I have to say to you this first day of August 2012!.
What I'm about to share with you is the reason why your past may be holding you back, your present life is not everything you want it to be and what you can do about it so that the immediate future turns out to be everything you've ever wanted and more.
My name is Tony Egba and for the past 20 years of my life I have been helping people from all over the world achieve positive lasting change in their lives.
What enables me to help people is not the fact that I am super-talented, gifted or blessed with some unique quality that no one else on the planet has, all I simply am… is what I am by the grace of God.
I was opportune to be exposed to great mentors early in life and their works and experiences have helped me immensely and I have derived tremendous joy and blessing in sharing what I have learn with my brothers and sister.
When one of my friends asked me online yesterday what do I do for a living and I answered her that I am a professional student, she laughed and probably she didn’t believe me, but as a matter of fact, I spent half of my day everyday to learn one or two new things about how to live a successful life and I am always eager to pass such knowledge across.
I want to say at this point that I am not the source of these knowledge I am just a conduit to help keep them flowing to other people. I am just a messenger bearing the message so the honour and glory of all these messages actually belong to the owner of the work our father the creator of the universe the all knowing GOD!
You see, many years ago I found myself extremely unfulfilled and unhappy even though I was earning a significant six figure a year income running my own Engineering practice.
While I had achieved most of the goals that I set out including graduating from university with degrees and owning and operating a successful business, I was still left with a void inside and I knew I was meant to do something more rewarding with my life.
The problem was that even though I was succeeding financially, I was no feeling very fulfilling.
While the meaning of success varies from person to person, in its truest form, success consists of being completely happy and at peace spiritually, emotionally, physically, financially and mentally. Well, I have to say maritally too!
If any of those elements are missing, you will experience what I call a spiritual imbalance.
And when it happens, you will forever feel a void within that can begin affecting you in more ways than you imagine.
This Spiritual Imbalance Is Literally What Separates Those Who Live the Life of Their Dreams from Those Who Work Hard, Pay Their Dues and Still Experience Failure.
I'm sure you can relate to what I'm saying.
Have you ever noticed how some people can smoke virtually their entire life and live to be 90 whereas others get diseases like cancer and die before they reach 40?
Have you ever noticed that sometimes when a virus like the flu breaks out that some people never get infected even if they never get vaccinated while others are easily susceptible to any ailment even when they take the right precautionary steps? (I am not talking about bird flu O because when we dey young when chicken dey sick my mama go ask us make we killam and that na Christmas before December in our house!)
The reason for this has to with something called cellular (internal) memory.
Cellular memory (as the name implies) is basically the memory that resides inside the cells within the body. That's right; every single cells in your body actually has a memory of its own.
Each of the cells within the body actually stores reserves of information related to past experiences (both positive and negative) within their memory.
The Problem Is That When a Cell Decides To Store A Memory From A Negative Experience, It Will Form A Block For Future Related Experiences.
This is often the reason why someone who beats cancer will experience a relapse. The same is true of those who suffer from addiction or any other type of disease.
What's really occurring is a relapse of memory within the cell that is causing the body to react in a certain way.
This truth applies to every aspect of your life in both the physical and metaphysical world; meaning it can affect your body directly in the form of sickness or disease as well as metaphysically through things you attract like relationships or wealth.
This Means That If You Are Experiencing Undesired Results in Any Aspect of Your Life (No Matter How Hard You Try) Chances Are
It's Because Your Cellular Memory Is Holding You Back.
One of the most prominent ways that negative cellular memory in the mind manifests itself is through low self esteem.
Low self esteem can affect virtually every area of your life including your relationships, finances, health, and career
And what's even more alarming is that many people don't even realize that they have this problem. They falsely assume that low self esteem means they are in a constant state of depression or saddened mood.
In Reality, people Could Be Living Life – In What They Believe To Be Complete Happiness Except For The Fact That They Seem To Struggle Or Have What They Consider To Be "Bad Luck" In A Particular Area.
There is that one area of people’s lives that they just can't seem to hold down the way they want. It could be their finances, their weight, their relationship status or any number of other things.
And when this happens, the result is the spiritual imbalance that I spoke of earlier which causes a feeling of helplessness or failure that resides over them like a dark cloud no matter how successful they are in other aspects of life.
This is often why we see people who seem to "have it all" like Hollywood celebrities for example are constantly ruining their lives through the use of drugs, alcohol or anything else that they feel will mask the pain represented by the imbalance.
Haven't you ever come across a person who in your mind has everything anyone could ever ask for – but feels unfulfilled or as though they are a failure?
Most of the time we see people like this and can't understand how they could feel like failures with what they have achieved in life - be it fame, fortune, stardom, wealth, etc.
And the truth is that no matter how hard you try, you will never understand how they feel; just as the majority of people out there can't relate to how you feel because the cellular memory for each of us is drastically different.
So let me ask you; is there a part (or parts) of your life that you just can't seem to excel at no matter how hard you try?
Is there one area - that you wish for just a second - could come as easy to you as you think it does for others?
Are you beginning to think that maybe you're "cursed" or that the Universe is working against you in this particular area for whatever reason?
Well I'm here to tell you that you can achieve success in EVERY single area of your life. You just have to know how to solve the problem.
And after 2 decades of research and study, I can tell you that there are solutions!
It's actually pretty simple and straight forward.
All You Have to Do Is Reformat the Cellular Memory within Your Mind So That It No Longer Blocks You from Excelling In These "Problem Areas" In Your Life.
In turn, you will achieve complete spiritual balance and no longer experience feelings of emptiness or failure.
So now the question becomes "How do I reformat my mind's cellular memory?"
Well…think about memory for a second. Memory is nothing more than information from the past that has been stored and can be retrieved again at some point.
What's happening when you are experiencing blocks from cellular memory in your mind is that the negative memories from events in your past are blocking you from getting the results that you want now.
Perhaps at some point in your life (and you may not even remember when it happened) an event took place that placed a message within your mind that said "you'll never be wealthy" or "you'll always be overweight" or "you'll never find a soul mate and will remain alone forever."
It could be any number of events which occurred that was then recorded in your mind's cellular memory.
And remember what I said earlier about how cellular memory manifests itself?
It does so through your self esteem. Your self esteem is your mind's governing power over your entire existence.
It is everything that you believe about yourself both consciously and subconsciously.
And that's why it is crucial to take whatever steps necessary to improve your self esteem if you want to achieve success in every area of your life.
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom.12 vs. 2) This is the SECRET
Do you want to know how to use that secret? Then get a copy of the “The New DAWN”
And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Tony Egba
The only Secret of Success
The world belongs to those who reach out and grab opportunity with both hands. It belongs to those who do something more than wish and hope and plan, intending to do something someday, when all conditions seem just right. It belongs to those who get out there and take action. We've all heard the expression "Knowledge is Power", but what I think is even more profound is "The Implementation of that Knowledge is Power".
Successful people are not necessarily those who make the right decisions all the time. No one can do that, no matter how smart he or she is.
But once successful people have made a decision, they begin moving step-by-step toward their objectives, and they begin to get feedback or signals to tell them when they're on course and when course corrections are necessary. As they take action and move toward their goals, they continually get new information that enables them to adjust their plans in large and small ways.
What significant goals are YOU implementing right now?
It's important to understand that life is a series of approximation and course adjustments. Let me explain. When an airplane leaves Abuja for Addis Ababa, it is off course 99 percent of the time. This is normal and natural and to be expected. The pilot makes continual course corrections, a little to the north, a little to the south. The pilot continually adjusts altitude and throttle. And sure enough, several hours later, the plane touches down at exactly the time predicted when it first became airborne upon leaving Abuja.
The entire journey has been a process or approximation and course adjustments.
Of course, there are no guarantees in life. Everything you do — even driving to work — is filled with uncertainty. You can never be completely sure that any action or behavior is going to bring about your desired result. There is always a risk. And where there is risk, there is fear. And whatever you think about grows in your mind and heart. People who think continually about the risks involved in any undertaking soon become preoccupied with fears and doubts and anxieties that conspire to hold them back from trying in the first place.
At Babson College, a 12-year study was conducted to discover the reasons for success. The researchers concluded that the difference between the successes and the failures in their study could be summarized by one word: launch! Successful people were willing to launch themselves down the track of opportunity without any guarantee of success. They were willing to risk uncertainty and overcome the normal fears and doubts that hold the majority in place.
And the remarkable thing is that as you take risks in life, new opportunities emerge all around you. However, you would not have seen those opportunities if you had not taken action. They would not have materialised for you if you had waited for some assurance of the outcome before acting.
Gain the one quality that's at the heart of your achievements, character, and happiness.
The Confucian saying "A journey of a thousand leagues begins with a single step" simply means that great accomplishments begin with your willingness to face the inevitable uncertainty of any new enterprise and step out boldly in the direction of your goal. If you want to be more successful faster, just do more things. Take more action; get busier. Start a little earlier; work a little harder; stay a little later. Put the odds in your favor.
According to the law of probability, the more things you try, the more likely it is that you will try the one thing that will make all the difference.
I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances. Be more active. Show up more often.
Tom Peters, the author of the classic bestseller In Search of Excellence found that a key quality of the top executives was a "bias for action." Their motto seemed to be "Ready, fire, aim!" Their attitude toward business was summarised in the words "Do it, fix it, try it." They realised that the future belongs to the action-oriented, to the risk taker.
Successful people know, as General Douglas MacArthur once said, "There is no security on this earth. There is only opportunity." And the interesting thing is this: If you seek opportunity, you'll end up with all the security you need. However, if you seek security, you'll end up with neither opportunity nor security. The proof of this is all around us, in the downsizing and reconstructing of corporations, where thousands of men and women who sought security are finding themselves unemployed for long periods of time.
There is a "momentum principle" of success, which is derived from two physical laws, the law of momentum and the law of inertia, and it applies equally well to everything that you accomplish and fail to accomplish.
In physics, the law of momentum says that a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force. The law of inertia, on the other hand, says that a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.
In their simplest terms, as they apply to you and your life, those laws say that if you stay in motion toward something that is important to you, it's much easier to continue making progress than it is if you stop somewhere along the way and have to start again. Successful people are very much like the plate spinners in the circus. They get things spinning, knowing that if a plate falls off, or something comes to a halt, it's much harder to get it restarted than it is to keep it going.
Once you have a goal and a plan, get going! And once you start moving toward your goal, don't stop. Do something every day to move yourself closer toward your goal. Don't let the size of the goal or the amount of time required to accomplish it hold you back. During your planning process, break down the goal into small tasks and activities that you can engage in every day. Every day, every week, every month you should be making progress by completing your predetermined tasks and activities in the direction of your clearly defined objective.
And here's where the rubber meets the road. One of the most important single qualities for success is self-discipline. It's the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.
Let me break down that definition of self-discipline. First, “the ability to make yourself." This means that you have to use strength and willpower to force yourself into motion, to overcome the power of inertia that holds you back. Second, "do what you should do when you should do it."
This means that you make a plan, set a schedule, and then do what you say you'll do. Do it when you say you'll do it. Keep your promises to yourself and to others. The third part of this definition is: "whether you feel like it or not."
You see, anyone can do anything if he feels like it, if he wants to do it because it makes him happy, if he is well-rested and has lots of time. However, the true test of character is when you do something that you know you must do whether you feel like it or not — especially when you don't like doing it at all.
In fact, you can tell how badly you really want something, and what you're really made of as a person, by how capable you are of taking action in the direction of your goals and dreams even when you feel tired and discouraged and disappointed and you don't seem to be making any progress. And very often, this is the exact time when you will break through to great achievement. As Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "When the night is darkest, the stars come out."
Your ability to endure, to continue taking action, step by step, in the direction of your dreams, is what will ultimately assure your success. Keep at it!
Take action now to make your life more complete in 21 essential success principles that I will be sharing with you.
Have read today's
Secret? Take action and be clear on what you want!
Tony Egba
Tony Egba's Profile
Tony Egba is the Chairman and CEO of Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre, a company specializing in the training and development of individuals and organizations.

Tony’s goal is to help people achieve their personal and business goals faster and easier than they ever imagined.
Tony Egba has consulted for more than 100 companies and addressed more than 1,000,000 people in 5,000 talks and seminars throughout Nigeria, China and 29 other countries worldwide. As a Keynote speaker and seminar leader, he addresses more than 250,000 people each year.
He has studied, researched, written and spoken for 20 years in the fields of economics, history, business, philosophy and psychology. He is the top selling author of over 15 books that have been translated into dozens of languages.
He has written and produced more than 100 audio and video learning programs, including the worldwide, best-selling The New Dawn, which has been translated into other languages.
Tony Egba is Adviser to many political and business leaders within and without Nigeria.
He speaks to corporate and public audiences on the subjects of Personal and Professional Development, including the executives and staff of many of African's largest corporations. His exciting talks and seminars on Leadership, Selling, Self-Esteem, Goals, Strategy, Creativity and Success Psychology bring about immediate changes and long-term results.
Prior to founding his company, Tropical Entrepreneurship Development, Tony was the Chief Operating Officer of a N565 million Naira Tropical development Engineering company. He has had successful careers in engineering, sales and marketing, investments, real estate development and syndication, importation, distribution and management consulting. He has conducted high level consulting assignments with several billion-dollar plus corporations in strategic planning and organizational development.
He has traveled and worked in over 3 0 countries on six continents, and speaks four languages. Tony is happily married and has five children and a grandson. He is active in community and national affairs, and is the President of three companies headquartered in Ibadan, Nigeria.
Tony Egba
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