Monday, 21 January 2013

The Mind of a Champion



Tony Egba, Ceo, RichLife Centre


Today is the 22nd days of January and this is my RA-D22 to you.

The year is just few days old! You can achieve all of your goals this year. Let us roll up our sleeves and go to work.

Today’s article is a little bit lengthy but I want you to take your time to enjoy it!

The mind:

When the mind is working, it usually operates in one of three states;

· The past,

· The present and

· The future.

Today I want to ask you one question about each:

Looking back at your past, can you honestly say that you have leveraged every single experience to your benefit?

Looking at the present, are you completely satisfied with your life as it is right now?

Looking at the future, are you confident that things will only get better?

If you answered anything other than an "Absolute Yes" to any one of these questions then we have to talk and I want you to please pay attention to what I have to say to you this 22 day of January 2013!.

What I'm about to share with you is the reason why your past may be holding you back, your present life is not everything you want it to be and what you can do about it so that the immediate future turns out to be everything you've ever wanted and more.

My name is Tony Egba and for the past 20 years of my life I have been helping people from all over the world achieve positive lasting change in their lives. What enables me to help people is not the fact that I am super-talented, gifted or blessed with some unique quality that no one else on the planet has.

I am all I am by the grace of God!

I was opportune to be exposed to great mentors early in life and their works, words, books and experiences have helped me immensely and I have derived tremendous joy and blessing in sharing what I have learn with my brothers and sisters.

When one of my friends asked me online yesterday what do I do for a living and I answered her that I am a professional student, she laughed and probably she didn’t believe me.

As a matter of fact, I spent half of my day everyday to learn one or two new things about how to live a successful life and I am always eager to pass such knowledge across.

I want to say at this point that I am not the source of these knowledge I am just a conduit to help keep them flowing to other people.

I am just a messenger bearing the message so the honour and glory of all these messages actually belong to the owner of the work our father the creator of the universe the all knowing GOD! Give praise to his Holy Name!

You see, many years ago I found myself extremely unfulfilled and unhappy even though I was earning a significant six figure a year income running my own Engineering practice. While I had achieved most of the goals that I set out including graduating from university with degrees and owning and operating a successful business, I was still left with a void inside and I knew I was meant to do something more rewarding with my life.

The problem was that even though I was succeeding financially, I was no feeling very fulfilling.

While the meaning of success varies from person to person, in its truest form, success consists of being completely happy and at peace;

· Spiritually,

· Emotionally,

· Physically,

· Financially

· Mentally and

· Marritally

If any of those elements are missing, you will experience what I call a spiritual imbalance.

And when it happens, you will forever feel a void within that can begin affecting you in more ways than you imagine.

This Spiritual Imbalance Is Literally What Separates Those Who Live the Life of Their Dreams from Those Who Work Hard, Pay Their Dues and Still Experience Failure.

I'm sure you can relate to what I'm saying. Have you ever noticed how some people can smoke virtually their entire life and live to be 90 whereas others get diseases like cancer and die before they reach 40? ( I am not recommending smoking!)

Have you ever noticed that sometimes when a virus like the flu breaks out that some people never get infected even if they never get vaccinated while others are easily susceptible to any ailment even when they take the right precautionary steps?

(I am not talking about bird flu O because when we dey young when chicken dey sick my mama go ask us make we killam and that na Christmas before December in our house!)

The reason for this has to with something called cellular (internal) memory. Cellular memory (as the name implies) is basically the memory that resides inside the cells within the body.

That's right; every single cells in your body actually has a memory of its own. Each of the cells within the body actually stores reserves of information related to past experiences (both positive and negative) within their memory.

The Problem Is That When a Cell Decides To Store A Memory From A Negative Experience, It Will Form A Block For Future Related Experiences.

This is often the reason why someone who beats cancer will experience a relapse. The same is true of those who suffer from addiction or any other type of disease. What's really occurring is a relapse of memory within the cell that is causing the body to react in a certain way.

This truth applies to every aspect of your life in both the physical and metaphysical world; meaning it can affect your body directly in the form of sickness or disease as well as metaphysically through things you attract like relationships or wealth.

This Means That If You Are Experiencing Undesired Results in Any Aspect of Your Life (No Matter How Hard You Try) Chances Are It's Because Your Cellular Memory Is Holding You Back.

One of the most prominent ways that negative cellular memory in the mind manifests itself is through low self esteem.

Low self esteem can affect virtually every area of your life including your:

· relationships

· finances,

· health, and

· career

And what's even more alarming is that many people don't even realize that they have this problem.

They falsely assume that low self esteem means they are in a constant state of depression or saddened mood.

In Reality, people Could Be Living Life – In What They Believe To Be Complete Happiness Except For The Fact That They Seem To Struggle Or Have What They Consider To Be "Bad Luck" In A Particular Area.

There is that one area of people’s lives that they just can't seem to hold down the way they want.

It could be;

· their finances,

· their weight,

· their relationship

· status or

· other things.

And when this happens, the result is the spiritual imbalance that I spoke of earlier which causes a feeling of helplessness or failure that resides over them like a dark cloud no matter how successful they are in other aspects of life.

This is often why we see people who seem to "have it all" like Hollywood celebrities for example are constantly ruining their lives through the use of drugs, alcohol or anything else that they feel will mask the pain represented by the imbalance.

Haven't you ever come across a person who in your mind has everything anyone could ever ask for – but feels unfulfilled or as though they are a failure?

Most of the time we see people like this and can't understand how they could feel like failures with what they have achieved in life - be it;

· fame,

· fortune,

· stardom,

· wealth,

· position

· etc.

And the truth is that no matter how hard you try, you will never understand how they feel; just as the majority of people out there can't relate to how you feel because the cellular memory for each of us is drastically different.

So let me ask you; is there a part (or parts) of your life that you just can't seem to excel at no matter how hard you try?

Is there one area - that you wish for just a second - could come as easy to you as you think it does for others?

Are you beginning to think that maybe you're "cursed" or that the Universe is working against you in this particular area for whatever reason?

Well I'm here to tell you that you can achieve success in EVERY single area of your life.

You just have to know how to solve the problem. And after 2 decades of research and study, I can tell you that there are solutions! It's actually pretty simple and straight forward. All You Have to Do Is Reformat the Cellular Memory within Your Mind So That It No Longer Blocks You from Excelling In These "Problem Areas" In Your Life.

In turn, you will achieve complete spiritual balance and no longer experience feelings of emptiness or failure.

So now the question becomes "How do I reformat my mind's cellular memory?" Well…think about memory for a second.

Memory is nothing more than information from the past that has been stored and can be retrieved again at some point.

What's happening when you are experiencing blocks from cellular memory in your mind is that the negative memories from events in your past are blocking you from getting the results that you want now.

Perhaps at some point in your life (and you may not even remember when it happened) an event took place that placed a message within your mind that said;

· "you'll never be wealthy" or

· "you'll always be overweight" or

· "you will never find a soul mate and will remain alone forever."

It could be any number of events which occurred that was then recorded in your mind's cellular memory.

And remember what I said earlier about how cellular memory manifests itself? It does so through your self esteem.

Your self esteem is your mind's governing power over your entire existence. It is everything that you believe about yourself both consciously and subconsciously.

And that's why it is crucial to take whatever steps necessary to improve your self esteem if you want to achieve success in every area of your life.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. (Rom.12 vs. 2)

I told you at the beginning of this article that I was in this dilemma of roller-coaster living too! And somehow, I was able to overcome it! How did I do that? You want to know?

Go to and download the “Prodigal Son” FREE!

I am confidence!

I am Responsible!

I am accountable!

I am Rich, Happy and Healthy!

And so are you!

Thank God! Thank you Father!

Tony Egba


The Man of Enterprise

Tony Egba, CeO,Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre
Jim Rohn said:

“Once you’ve learned to discern the eagles from the ducks, your next step is to grow an enterprising nature”.

This is a challenge that will have countless benefits.

We’re all aware that many people feel that we must be careful when focusing on money or affluence or abundance —

They said that in the pursuit of those things, there is danger.

The truth is that:

If you pursue money and affluence to the exclusion of other values in life, you have lost, not won.

However, let’s consider this question:

If you could do better financially, should you?

In the time you have allotted to labour,
the creation of value,
the development of skills, and creativity:

If you could do better, should you?

I believe one of the greatest satisfactions of living life to the fullest is doing the best you can with whatever you have.

Doing anything less than your best has a way of eroding the psyche.

We are creatures of Enterprise.

You are a “Man of ENTERPRISE!”

Life seems to say to us:

“Here are the raw materials — your creativity, and 24 hours to use it.

What splendid things can you produce?”

What will be your extraordinary feats in 24 hours, 30 days, throughout 2013!

Let us look at a profile of the Enterprising Person

Enterprising people are those people disciplined and dedicated enough to seize opportunities that present themselves — regardless of the current situation, economy, struggles, or obstacles.

They choose to be eagles, not ducks.

Think of a few people you know who are enterprising.

Think of people in your office, in your neighbourhood, maybe people in the news who manage to succeed regardless of the obstacles.

What do these people have in common?

They’re probably always on the go, developing a plan, following a plan, reworking the plan until it fits.

They’re probably resourceful, never letting anything get in the way.

They probably don’t understand the word NO when it applies to their visions of the future.

And, when faced with a problem, they probably say, “Let’s figure out a way to make it work,” instead of, “It won’t work.”

Enterprising people see the future in the present.

They will always find a way to take advantage of situations, not be burdened by them.

And enterprising people are not lazy!

They don’t wait for opportunities to come to them; they go after the opportunities.

Enterprising means always finding a way to keep yourself actively working toward your ambition.

However, we humans can be particularly creative at working at less than our potential.

We’re grounded like the duck, and not soaring like the eagle.

The Enterprising Person Works Smarter

It’s an obvious — yet often overlooked — truth: rich people have 24 hours a day, and poor people have 24 hours a day.

The difference between the rich and the poor is in the management of that time.

Successful people often work harder and longer than most, but they almost always work smarter.

If we get more from ourselves, if we can make an hour as valuable as 10 hours used to be, we can get as much done in a day as we used to get done in a week.

Imagine the potential compounding effect of working smarter.

Choosing to Be an Eagle

By practising a few simple disciplines every day, you can use time like the rich — with focus and effectiveness.

1) Run the day, or it will run you.

Part of the key to time management(Self-Management) is staying in charge.

In fact you cannot actually manage time, but you can manage your self to use your time profitably!

Some will be masters of their time, and some will be servants.

Enterprising people become the masters of their time.

To master your time, you must have clear written goals for each day that you keep with you at all times.

It helps to create each day’s list the night before.

Prioritise your goals for the day and constantly review them.

And here’s a good question to ask yourself constantly:

Is this a MAJOR activity or a minor activity?

By asking that question, you will reduce the amazingly natural tendency to spend MAJOR time on minor things.

In sales training, we are taught that major time is the time spent in the presence of the prospect, while minor time is the time spent on the way to the prospect.

If you are not careful, you will spend more time “on the way to” than “in the presence of” your goals.

Before you answer an email, ask yourself if this is a MAJOR activity or a minor activity.

Before you make a phone call, ask yourself if this is a MAJOR phone call or a minor phone call.

Enterprising people don’t let the minor activities distract them from the MAJOR activities — the ones that hold the keys to their success.

2) Don’t mistake activity for productivity.

You probably know some people who always seem to be busy being busy.

To be successful, you must be busy being productive.

Some people are going, going, going, but they’re doing figure eights.

They’re not making much progress.

Don’t mistake activity for productivity, movement for achievement.

Evaluate the hours in your days, and see if there is wasted time that you could manage better.

Remember there is an opportunity cost to every single activity you do.

The time you spend doing one thing is time you could spend doing something else.

Before investing your time in anything, briefly ask yourself if this is the highest-leverage activity you could be doing to accomplish the most important priority on your list for the day.

And, make sure the activities on your list for the day are the highest-leverage opportunities to accomplish your short- and long-term goals.

Learn how to get more done using less time, energy, and resources.

3) Focus. The third key to time management is good concentration.

You’ve got to zero-in on the job at hand.

Like an ant, let nothing stand in your way and let nothing distract you from the task.

Assuming this is a MAJOR activity in pursuit of the highest-leverage opportunity available, there should be nothing more valuable to invest your time in.

This is easier said than done.

Concentration takes a lot of discipline.

It takes discipline to demand privacy, to not react to the minor activities that try to demand your attention, such as new emails and ringing phones.

(I occasionally wonder how have being living before the advent of GSM in Nigeria?)

If you have a long list of things to get done within one day, do the toughest one while your concentration is at its peak.

If you’re a morning person, get the job done in the morning.

Don’t wait until the evening when your energy is all spent.

Do the jobs that need the most concentration when your body is best able to handle them.

One of the greatest enemies of this sort of concentration is worry.

Worrying about your future can prevent you from being where you are right now.

We all have worries, and they are useful. But, don’t let worry distract you.

Stay focused on changing what you can change — that is the only true way to overcome the source of your worry anyhow.

Enterprise is always better than ease.

Every time we choose to do less than we possibly can, we limit our possibilities — we stifle our potential.

You can alter your life by doing a little more each day to work smarter, by developing a habit of efficiency rather than the habit of activity.

Looking at the Ant:

When was the last time you saw ants reach an obstacle and give up with their heads down and go back to the ant hole to relax?


If they’re headed somewhere and you try to stop them, they will look for another way.

They’ll climb over, they’ll craw under, they’ll go around — regardless of the effort involved.

What a neat philosophy, to never quit looking for a way to get where you’re supposed to go.

Here’s another question. How much will an ant gather during the summer to prepare for winter?

All that it possibly can!

Ants don’t have quotas or “good enough” philosophies.

They don’t gather a certain amount and then go back to the hole to “hang out.”

If an ant can do more, it does.

“Go to the Ants and Learn!”

Imagine what you could accomplish if you never quit and always did all that you could do.

The enterprising person will always soar like an eagle and will consistently cause others to soar around him or her as well.

I am a Man of Enterprise!

I am Responsible!

I am Accountable!

I am Happy, Rich and Healthy!

I am getting Better and Better!

And so are You!

Thank God! Thank you Father!

Tony Egba

Divine Opportunity

Tony & Cherie


Tony Egba, RichLife Centre.
Dear Friends,

As I was quietly building my vibration this morning, the Spirit of God spoke to me quietly, he said;

This is the Year of Divine OPPORTUNITY!
The meaning of this is that:

Round about, Opportunity will be available to YOU!
UP and Down, Opportunity will be available to YOU!
Lagos or London, Opportunity will be Available to YOU!
Abuja or Addis-Ababa, Opportunity will be available to YOU!
Amai or America, Opportunity will be available to YOU!
Onistcha or China Opportunity will be available to YOU!
Wherever you are or you go, Opportunity will be available to YOU!
Right now and where you are, Opportunity is available to YOU!
Under Your foot Opportunity is available to YOU!
In Nigeria Opportunity is available to YOU!

This Year of Divine Opportunity, You are not Limited by anything!
You are not Limited by Time!
You are not Limited by Location!
You are not limited by resources!
Your Opportunity and Supply is infinite!

All we need to pray for is the Spirit of Discernment, Wisdom and Understanding.
Lord Open my eyes that I may see! Should be our desire every morning!
In everything, everywhere and in everybody there will be Opportunity for YOU this year 2013!

Always look for and see Opportunity to Invest or Harvest every moment of this year 2013!

Take every OPPORTUNITY this year to GROW!
Let us Pray:
Lord open my eyes to see vast Opportunity in Nigerian Agriculture this Year!

Open my eyes to see opportunity in Manufacturing of goods this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity is service industry this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in Education industry this Year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in Communication Industry this year!
Open my eyes to see opportunity in Transportation industry this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in health Industry this Year!
Open my eyes to see massive opportunity in Forestry this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in Renewable Energy this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in Oil Industry this Year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity in Sport industry this year!
Open my eyes to see Opportunity as an Entrepreneurship Coach this Year 2013!

Lord Open my "Third Eyes" to see the Hidden Opportunity of Service Everywhere this 2013!
Lord! Give me the Grace that I may see!

Our Anchor word is in Romans 8:28.

The Key to this Divine OPPORTUNITY is:

I am surrounded by sea of Opportunity!
I am Happy!
I am Rich!
I am Healthy!
I am getting Better and Better in 2013!
And so you are!

Thank God!
Tony Egba