Friday, 29 July 2011

How to start your Business

You may be wondering, that how do you start your own business, my answer is that you start by starting. You may say that- what is the meaning of that?

Just tell yourself what you want to do, for example, if you want a bakery then you start by saying that you want a bakery.

See you have just started a business right now.

Come to think of it, do you know that everything including business starts with a dream? Just a thought. This article that I am writing is just a thought that drop in my mind.

As you are reading this material stop for a while to think about what you want to do today or tomorrow, take a pen and a piece of paper, write it down now. Yes do it now.

Starting a business is just as simple as writing what you want to do now.
For example I want to start a university; what will be the name of my university?

Now I pick my pen and I write-

Now do your own exercise now, what do you want to do, what is the name that you want to call your business. Write answer to those question now!

I know you are thinking where will I get money to run this business don’t worry about that now. The first stage is WHAT you want to DO. Don’t bother for now about HOW to do it (when the student is ready the teacher will appear) the second stage is WHEN the third stage is WHERE.

Do you know you don’t need money to do all this thing at this stage, all that you need is a pen and piece of paper .
As you are planning your business flexibility is important and you can always change as you go along.

Many business people achieve their greatest successes in unexpected areas. They begin a business and then they find that it isn't as profitable as they had anticipated, then they change direction, using their experience and their momentum, and make it in something else.

The most important thing is to begin to take action. To move forward one step at a time, learning and growing as you go.
There is enough information available in virtually every field for you to become successful. But action is necessary.

If you are interested in starting your business today I will like to share with you some simple step that you can take to make your business successful.

Write or call Mr. Entrepreneur today.

Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre (TEDC)

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