Monday, 12 December 2011

Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

19 more days to 2012

So Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

To “be” right implies a need for others to recognize you as such … to be proven right, seen as right. Again, it emanates from the ego and is vastly different than doing right, which has no need for external recognition. Doing right has no need for others to know you are right.

So to what extent would you choose not being seen as right if you could be happier for it?

Could you choose not to prove your point if you were all the happier for not doing so?

Of course there are many situations where differences need to be sorted out, and where your particular and opposing viewpoint may in fact make an important impact on a given situation.

There are many situations where in fact others see black where you see white, and by helping them to see white you achieve some important benefit like saving money or preventing accidents or things like that.

Dealing with disagreements is standard fare in life.

Dealing with them harshly – that is, with the ego, as if every opposing viewpoint is a personal insult to your rightness – does not have to be.

There is a world of difference between contributing to the greater good (between a couple, in a family, a business, a nation, etc.) versus needing to be seen as right.

And all that said, in MOST situations where people claw, struggle and crack away at their happiness to be proven right, it means little to nothing to less than nothing anyway.

Is it really right if you ARE right about putting the toilet seat up or down but it ruins your morning, and chips away at the health of your relationship, to prove it?

Is it really right if you ARE right about religion, the economy, and your politics but you end up angry and despising large segments of the population to prove it?
An Intense, Trans formative Experience for you to Try

The next time you KNOW you are right about something with a spouse, significant other or anyone close to you whose viewpoint opposes yours, consciously back off the need to be right.

Even as that “I’m right about this!” feeling wells up inside your chest, catch it and stop yourself from reacting this time.

Instead, consider if there is truly a reason to even pursue the issue at all.

Will resolving the difference really lead to an important benefit, such as preventing accidents, improving health, making or saving money or the like? If so, consciously remind yourself to proceed softly and kindly this time … remind yourself (and tell the other person!) that you are pursuing this discussion gently to achieve the desired benefit, not to have to be seen as right.

Chances are, though, that like most such situations, your need to be right is mostly an ego thing. The potential benefits of the other person seeing you as right don’t equal the stress, the erosion of peace and happiness that can occur to demonstrate you are right.

In which case, just back off your egos desire to prove you are right at all. This time. Let it go with your spouse, significant other or whoever you are in disagreement with.

Let them believe they are right.

And watch and evaluate your own reactions to letting them believe they are right.

Most people are astonished at how difficult this actually is for them. Through this experience most people are startled at the choke hold their ego actually has on them. Even though knowing that you having to be seen as right can harm the peace and happiness, letting someone (especially someone close to you) believe they are right to avoid the harm is a mighty hard thing to do.

“But they’re going to THINK they are right!” your ego may shout. “They’re ALWAYS going to think they’re right!” you may hear your ego insisting.

Recognizing your ego’s choke hold on your happiness in this manner is the first step in removing that choke hold.

After this first time of letting go of the need to be right -- even and especially if it means your opposition will think they’re right – watch what happens.

Likely, here is what will happen: your world won’t collapse. Things won’t fall to pieces because you didn’t demonstrate you were right.

Likely, here is what will also happen: there will be no arguments. No clashes between your ego and someone else’s. Nothing cracking away at your greater peace and happiness.

So then, if you want to move toward being happier, try the experience again when the opportunity arises. Consciously back off the need to be right again. Watch how your ego responds this time, so you know where you need to work on being in control of it versus it being in control of you.

And watch how your world doesn’t cave in even if you aren’t seen as being right … how quite the contrary occurs, in fact.

Approaching it like this – consciously backing off the need to be right one situation at a time, versus trying to commit to doing it for good – makes your success and happiness much more likely.

Another thing that tends to happen is that, over time, those close to you see and feel the example you are living and they end up following suite.

Though not necessarily at the pace you might prefer, but they end up backing off the need to be right, too, making life all the more pleasant.

Our greatest right of all is our gift, our blessing, our ability to pursue our happiness. But most people are their own biggest barriers in that pursuit. Is your need to be right preventing you from achieving this greatest right?

Which would you rather be, right or happy?

Be always read to go the Extra-Mile!

Nwa oma na sobodo!

Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

19 more days to 2012

So Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

To “be” right implies a need for others to recognize you as such … to be proven right, seen as right. Again, it emanates from the ego and is vastly different than doing right, which has no need for external recognition. Doing right has no need for others to know you are right.

So to what extent would you choose not being seen as right if you could be happier for it?

Could you choose not to prove your point if you were all the happier for not doing so?

Of course there are many situations where differences need to be sorted out, and where your particular and opposing viewpoint may in fact make an important impact on a given situation.

There are many situations where in fact others see black where you see white, and by helping them to see white you achieve some important benefit like saving money or preventing accidents or things like that.

Dealing with disagreements is standard fare in life.

Dealing with them harshly – that is, with the ego, as if every opposing viewpoint is a personal insult to your rightness – does not have to be.

There is a world of difference between contributing to the greater good (between a couple, in a family, a business, a nation, etc.) versus needing to be seen as right.

And all that said, in MOST situations where people claw, struggle and crack away at their happiness to be proven right, it means little to nothing to less than nothing anyway.

Is it really right if you ARE right about putting the toilet seat up or down but it ruins your morning, and chips away at the health of your relationship, to prove it?

Is it really right if you ARE right about religion, the economy, and your politics but you end up angry and despising large segments of the population to prove it?
An Intense, Trans formative Experience for you to Try

The next time you KNOW you are right about something with a spouse, significant other or anyone close to you whose viewpoint opposes yours, consciously back off the need to be right.

Even as that “I’m right about this!” feeling wells up inside your chest, catch it and stop yourself from reacting this time.

Instead, consider if there is truly a reason to even pursue the issue at all.

Will resolving the difference really lead to an important benefit, such as preventing accidents, improving health, making or saving money or the like? If so, consciously remind yourself to proceed softly and kindly this time … remind yourself (and tell the other person!) that you are pursuing this discussion gently to achieve the desired benefit, not to have to be seen as right.

Chances are, though, that like most such situations, your need to be right is mostly an ego thing. The potential benefits of the other person seeing you as right don’t equal the stress, the erosion of peace and happiness that can occur to demonstrate you are right.

In which case, just back off your egos desire to prove you are right at all. This time. Let it go with your spouse, significant other or whoever you are in disagreement with.

Let them believe they are right.

And watch and evaluate your own reactions to letting them believe they are right.

Most people are astonished at how difficult this actually is for them. Through this experience most people are startled at the choke hold their ego actually has on them. Even though knowing that you having to be seen as right can harm the peace and happiness, letting someone (especially someone close to you) believe they are right to avoid the harm is a mighty hard thing to do.

“But they’re going to THINK they are right!” your ego may shout. “They’re ALWAYS going to think they’re right!” you may hear your ego insisting.

Recognizing your ego’s choke hold on your happiness in this manner is the first step in removing that choke hold.

After this first time of letting go of the need to be right -- even and especially if it means your opposition will think they’re right – watch what happens.

Likely, here is what will happen: your world won’t collapse. Things won’t fall to pieces because you didn’t demonstrate you were right.

Likely, here is what will also happen: there will be no arguments. No clashes between your ego and someone else’s. Nothing cracking away at your greater peace and happiness.

So then, if you want to move toward being happier, try the experience again when the opportunity arises. Consciously back off the need to be right again. Watch how your ego responds this time, so you know where you need to work on being in control of it versus it being in control of you.

And watch how your world doesn’t cave in even if you aren’t seen as being right … how quite the contrary occurs, in fact.

Approaching it like this – consciously backing off the need to be right one situation at a time, versus trying to commit to doing it for good – makes your success and happiness much more likely.

Another thing that tends to happen is that, over time, those close to you see and feel the example you are living and they end up following suite.

Though not necessarily at the pace you might prefer, but they end up backing off the need to be right, too, making life all the more pleasant.

Our greatest right of all is our gift, our blessing, our ability to pursue our happiness. But most people are their own biggest barriers in that pursuit. Is your need to be right preventing you from achieving this greatest right?

Which would you rather be, right or happy?

Be always read to go the Extra-Mile!

Nwa oma na sobodo!

Sunday, 11 December 2011


Secret to Being Happier: Stop Being Right

20 more days to 2012 and today is Sunday in Nigeria. I want you to relax and enjoy this article below. It is one of the tools we are going to use to make our life more enjoyable come 2012 by God’s grace!
Which would you rather be, RIGHT or happy?

Far more often than most people realize – to their great detriment – it really is an either/or proposition. Do you typically choose being right or being happy? Which of these values do your actions typically show that you hold higher?

Most people, without even being aware of it, choose being right at the expense of their happiness. And by the end of this piece you may be surprised to see how much you do, too.

People fight, stress out, and make themselves and those around them miserable with their ego’s need to be right. It cuts life short and destroys relationships, businesses, and nations.

Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They full of complains and misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.


Yet most people are not even aware that the choice between these two values – being right or being HAPPY – is present in most of life’s key situations.
And being unconscious of it, as usual their egos instead make the choice for them. And because the ego is doing the choosing, as usual the choice is shortsighted, fear-based, defensive and unhealthy to the Self’s greater good.

Further, the more intimate the situation – the closer to home -- the less likely most people are to recognize and remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. And the more damage making the wrong choice does.

The need to be seen as right is number 1 enemy to love and marriage.
A parent’s need to be seen as right severs ties to their children like nothing else can.

Watch out for the concluding part of this article tomorrow, but meanwhile less argument today and more enjoyment. Just to humors me suspend your critical self today and agree with your wife, husband, children, friend and church members if you belong to any or you can join my church without walls and boundaries.

Happy Sunday!

Tony Egba-Nwa Oma Na s’obodo!

The Secret of Happiness

Secret to Being Happier: Stop Being Right

20 more days to 2012 and today is Sunday in Nigeria. I want you to relax and enjoy this article below. It is one of the tools we are going to use to make our life more enjoyable come 2012 by God’s grace!

Which would you rather be, RIGHT or happy?

Far more often than most people realize – to their great detriment – it really is an either/or proposition. Do you typically choose being right or being happy? Which of these values do your actions typically show that you hold higher?

Most people, without even being aware of it, choose being right at the expense of their happiness. And by the end of this piece you may be surprised to see how much you do, too.

People fight, stress out, and make themselves and those around them miserable with their ego’s need to be right. It cuts life short and destroys relationships, businesses, and nations.

Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They full of complains and misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.



Yet most people are not even aware that the choice between these two values – being right or being HAPPY – is present in most of life’s key situations.

And being unconscious of it, as usual their egos instead make the choice for them. And because the ego is doing the choosing, as usual the choice is shortsighted, fear-based, defensive and unhealthy to the Self’s greater good.

Further, the more intimate the situation – the closer to home -- the less likely most people are to recognize and remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. And the more damage making the wrong choice does.

The need to be seen as right is number 1 enemy to love and marriage.

A parent’s need to be seen as right severs ties to their children like nothing else can.

Watch out for the concluding part of this article tomorrow, but meanwhile less argument today and more enjoyment. Just to humors me suspend your critical self today and agree with your wife, husband, children, friend and church members if you belong to any or you can join my church without walls and boundaries.

Happy Sunday!

Tony Egba-Nwa Oma Na s’obodo!


Saturday, 10 December 2011



Do you know we have 21 more days to 2012? How time flies you will say! I believe you know that this is the best time to start to plan for your success in 2012.

“Ukwuani shi nmalu ebulu ofu buchi ne lu idu”. If you start to plan early, the chance of you success will be higher .

I'd like you to consider the implications of this idea.

What if you ran your life the way the greatest and most successful
CEOs in the world run their companies?

Do you think you'd be more successful, more accountable, and much
more focused on getting results?

Sound like a "a good" idea?

Imagine for a moment that your life is a business. (Actually it is a business and we must learn to treat it so)

Your goal should be to get the highest return possible on the
investment of yourself in everything you do.

You may say hey, Tony, I don’t have money what do you want me to invest. You are right, but come to think of it, at the very beginning, nobody has money! All that is available to every man is time.

Life may not be fair in most of the issues of life but one thing is permanently fair and it is given in equal amount to everybody irrespective of where you were born.
The most important resources in the world is time and everything you need in life you can get it if you know how to apply your time well

In other words, your time and your energy - mental, emotional, and
physical energy - are investments. –this is your PERSONAL EQUITY.

A business wants to MAXIMIZE how it invests its equity, because in
business, everyone knows and understands that equity is limited. We
have only so much. Time is also limited you have 86400 seconds every day.

Now imagine one second is one Naira, will you spend your time differently?

So it makes sense then, that you need to strategically plan how
your investments are being made, so that you can maximize them to
get what you want.

One of the things I do is to help people manage their life and business well so that they will have maximum return on investment of their time and energy.

If you'll allow me, I will like to work with you to make 2012 your most profitable year. I'd like to help you make this the best year of your life by introducing you to a very special life planning
program called the Personal Strategic Plan.

Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre.