Secret to Being Happier: Stop Being Right
20 more days to 2012 and today is Sunday in Nigeria. I want you to relax and enjoy this article below. It is one of the tools we are going to use to make our life more enjoyable come 2012 by God’s grace!
Which would you rather be, RIGHT or happy?
Far more often than most people realize – to their great detriment – it really is an either/or proposition. Do you typically choose being right or being happy? Which of these values do your actions typically show that you hold higher?
Most people, without even being aware of it, choose being right at the expense of their happiness. And by the end of this piece you may be surprised to see how much you do, too.
People fight, stress out, and make themselves and those around them miserable with their ego’s need to be right. It cuts life short and destroys relationships, businesses, and nations.
Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They full of complains and misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.
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Yet most people are not even aware that the choice between these two values – being right or being HAPPY – is present in most of life’s key situations.
And being unconscious of it, as usual their egos instead make the choice for them. And because the ego is doing the choosing, as usual the choice is shortsighted, fear-based, defensive and unhealthy to the Self’s greater good.
Further, the more intimate the situation – the closer to home -- the less likely most people are to recognize and remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. And the more damage making the wrong choice does.
The need to be seen as right is number 1 enemy to love and marriage.
A parent’s need to be seen as right severs ties to their children like nothing else can.
Watch out for the concluding part of this article tomorrow, but meanwhile less argument today and more enjoyment. Just to humors me suspend your critical self today and agree with your wife, husband, children, friend and church members if you belong to any or you can join my church without walls and boundaries.
Happy Sunday!
Tony Egba-Nwa Oma Na s’obodo!
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