You are better than whom you think you are!
What if you were truly magnificent?
What if you were brilliant and powerful and full of light?
What if you had the power of the Universe at your fingertips?
In fact, what if the power of the Universe wasn't just at your fingertips, but was within you - every moment of every day?
What if all of these “ifs” are true?
If it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
Then I have a question for you...
What difference does that make to how you live your life?
What difference does it make to how you feel now?
What difference does it make to what you focus on?
How do you spend your time now that your magnificence is true?
What are the challenges you now release?
What fears no longer hold you?
What doubts are washed away with your light?
Again I say, if it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
How do you treat yourself?
How do you treat everyone else?
How do you honor yourself?
How do you celebrate yourself?
How do you connect with others?
How do you connect with yourself?
Once more I say, if it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
What are you excited about?
What do you know is possible?
How do you choose to express and experience your magnificence?
How do you choose to express and experience your abundance?
How do you choose to express and experience your joy?
How do you choose to express and experience your love?
How do you choose to express and experience your energy?
The Universe knows that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light - even when you don't fully see it. (If you still doubt me check Ps. 139)
The Universe knows that you are a unique expression here to fill the world with your own powerful version of the energy that connects all of us.
The Universe knows that everything you dream of is here for you to experience when you allow it to flow to you.
The Universe loves you - no matter what - and always - unconditionally.
What if you loved yourself as the Universe loves you?
What would it take for that love to show up?
What would it take for you to relax and breathe into the Universe?
Here is the truth...
You are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day!
That is truth and when you allow and receive all that means...
The truth will set you free! This is the New DAWN! Get your own copy today.
Tony Egba
Thursday, 15 March 2012
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Life is like Restaurant.
The universe you live in works very much like a popular restaurant. You go in, you decide what you want, you order it, you receive it, and you digest it.(You pay before or after but you will pay!)
Unfortunately, a lot of people don't seem to know how to order. Some are downright inept at it. They walk into this restaurant, behave confused, and they end up hungry and disappointed.
Then they complain about the restaurant , despite the fact that the restaurant has received rave reviews from the most experienced food critics.
The Universal Restaurant
I can't tell you how many times I encounter people who set goals like, "I want a romantic partner," or "I want a stable job that pays more money," or "I want to lose weight." I've heard enough of this drivel to last a lifetime.
Those are crap goals. Don't waste your time on them..
Setting such goals is the equivalent of walking into a restaurant and proclaiming, "I'm hungry. I want some food."
First, people will look at you and wonder what you really want.
Secondly, you won't get fed.
If you're lucky, someone might hand you a menu and ask you what you'd like to order. You can order off the menu, or you can concoct something creative, but either way you have to be specific. If you stand there asking for food, you'll remain hungry.
Is this happening in your life right now? Are you standing at the Universal Restaurant, waiting for your desires to manifest, and receiving only static response? The reason might be that the waiter or in this case the "Angel" can't figure out what you're actually trying to order?
The Universe is extremely adept at fulfilling your desires — but only if you have the wherewithal to decide and order what you want. If you can't do that — and it matters not what are your excuses — you will remain hungry.
Sometimes the universe will take a chance at bringing you what you ask for. Then you reject it because, although it's what you asked for (such as a generic "romantic partner"), it isn't what you actually want. Then maybe the universe tries a few more times, and you continue to send back whatever it brings you.
So eventually it gives up, concluding that you're an unreasonable customer and that it's better off spending its time and energy serving the patrons who know how to place an order properly.
It says, "Ok, we're done for now. Call me back to your table when you've figured out what you actually want."
How to Order
When you set goals and intentions, place an order. Don't ask, "Please can I…?" Simply order, much like you would in a restaurant. Say, "I'll have the …"For example I will have Ushi and Banga soup with Nchi meat! Then expect to receive what you order.
Don't be timid or cowardly or uncertain. Just state your order, and expect to get it.
Take as much time as you want to decide what to order, but when you place your order, accept what you ordered, and know that you're going to receive it. You may have some buyer's remorse if it's not as good as you hoped, but that's okay. Receive it anyway. There will always be other meals, other orders. Not everything you receive will taste like Isi-ewu!
Be specific in asking for what you want.
Don't ask for more money. If you want N50K cash, then order N50K cash. Don't ask for it. Order it.
Don't ask for a better job. If you want to be a fashion designer who travels around the world and gets free invites to major fashion shows and has 500,000 monthly orders, then order that.
Don't ask for a romantic partner. If you want a 6footer,slim,black,bilingual archaeologist then order that. Order it loudly enough so your waiter can hear you, and people at nearby tables will say, "I didn't know that was on the menu. I'll have one of those too… with a glass of Palm wine."
One of the best ways to get what you actually want is to take your best guess, and order it. When you get what you ask for, it may not turn out quite right. That contrast between what you received and how you feel about it will give you a better sense of what you actually do want. Then you can make a better guess and take another chance at placing an order.
As you repeat this process, you'll gradually hone in on what you actually desire most at a very deep level. And then you'll get a chance to receive and experience it fully.
Realize that this is an iterative process. Don't be a perfectionist. That's like sitting in a restaurant for hours, trying to decide what you want, while impatient waiters periodically refill your water glass and pressure you to order something. It's just a meal, so make a decision, get fed, and get out. Even if it turns out to be less than you hoped for, there will be plenty of other meals. The occasional bad meal is inevitable.
What happens if you change your order before you receive it? Same thing that happens in a real restaurant. What would happen if you grabbed the waiter and changed your order before it arrived? No problem, but you'll have to wait even longer because the waiter has to cancel the original order and then submit the new one.
And if you keep doing that over and over, you'll piss off the waiter and will never receive a meal.
Have you been doing something like that in real life? Blue… no red… no blue! Ahhhh!
What happens if you order something, and then when you get it, you don't like it? You can eat it anyway, or you can send it back. Either way, there will be other meals. You can always order again. Learn from the experience, and do your best to make a more intelligent choice next time. You may need to sample a few items from the menu to figure out what you like and don't like. Your first order at any new restaurant may very well be your worst experience there.
What happens if you complain about the way the system works? It's not fair! I can't figure out what I want! I keep going back and forth between two possibilities!(Like what happen to me Hilton in Abuja few weeks ago I was having trouble with what to take from the buffet table)
If you rail against the system, it's not going to work for you. If you can't follow the simple rules, the system will process you like a confused customer till you figure it out.
Here are the rules: Decide what you want, order it, receive it, and digest it. It's not rocket science. Don't make it complicated. It's easier to follow the rules than it is to break them.
Your Choice
Despite the obvious drawbacks, you're still free to make your choice. Whenever you choose. You're free to make a vague request. You're free to change your mind every 5 minutes. You're free to reject your order after it arrives. But of course all of those actions have consequences.
Technically speaking, this isn't a problem. The Universal Restaurant is robust enough to handle people like that. It will process them without prejudice. However, they won't have a very good experience, and in the end they will be disappointed with the food and/or service.
This restaurant, however, is perfectly capable of preparing the most amazing gourmet meals you could ever fancy. You just have to order properly. Be specific. Be clear, direct, and confident. Be audible. And don't keep changing your mind after you've placed your order.
When you receive your order, accept it with gratitude. Smell it. Taste it. Savor each delicious bite. Share it with others at your table if they'd like a taste, and taste some of their food too. It won't be perfect, but it's better than going hungry. Learn from the experience, and allow it to inform your future ordering decisions. Eventually you'll become a master connoisseur of the Universal Restaurant.
Work with the rules of the Universal Restaurant to enjoy the best meals of your life. Don't rail against the system. Don't be a clueless customer. .
Note: The Universal Restaurant is not to be confused with The Restaurant at the End of the Universe-The "LAST SUPPER" make sure you prepare for that too!
Tony Egba
The universe you live in works very much like a popular restaurant. You go in, you decide what you want, you order it, you receive it, and you digest it.(You pay before or after but you will pay!)
Unfortunately, a lot of people don't seem to know how to order. Some are downright inept at it. They walk into this restaurant, behave confused, and they end up hungry and disappointed.
Then they complain about the restaurant , despite the fact that the restaurant has received rave reviews from the most experienced food critics.
The Universal Restaurant
I can't tell you how many times I encounter people who set goals like, "I want a romantic partner," or "I want a stable job that pays more money," or "I want to lose weight." I've heard enough of this drivel to last a lifetime.
Those are crap goals. Don't waste your time on them..
Setting such goals is the equivalent of walking into a restaurant and proclaiming, "I'm hungry. I want some food."
First, people will look at you and wonder what you really want.
Secondly, you won't get fed.
If you're lucky, someone might hand you a menu and ask you what you'd like to order. You can order off the menu, or you can concoct something creative, but either way you have to be specific. If you stand there asking for food, you'll remain hungry.
Is this happening in your life right now? Are you standing at the Universal Restaurant, waiting for your desires to manifest, and receiving only static response? The reason might be that the waiter or in this case the "Angel" can't figure out what you're actually trying to order?
The Universe is extremely adept at fulfilling your desires — but only if you have the wherewithal to decide and order what you want. If you can't do that — and it matters not what are your excuses — you will remain hungry.
Sometimes the universe will take a chance at bringing you what you ask for. Then you reject it because, although it's what you asked for (such as a generic "romantic partner"), it isn't what you actually want. Then maybe the universe tries a few more times, and you continue to send back whatever it brings you.
So eventually it gives up, concluding that you're an unreasonable customer and that it's better off spending its time and energy serving the patrons who know how to place an order properly.
It says, "Ok, we're done for now. Call me back to your table when you've figured out what you actually want."
How to Order
When you set goals and intentions, place an order. Don't ask, "Please can I…?" Simply order, much like you would in a restaurant. Say, "I'll have the …"For example I will have Ushi and Banga soup with Nchi meat! Then expect to receive what you order.
Don't be timid or cowardly or uncertain. Just state your order, and expect to get it.
Take as much time as you want to decide what to order, but when you place your order, accept what you ordered, and know that you're going to receive it. You may have some buyer's remorse if it's not as good as you hoped, but that's okay. Receive it anyway. There will always be other meals, other orders. Not everything you receive will taste like Isi-ewu!
Be specific in asking for what you want.
Don't ask for more money. If you want N50K cash, then order N50K cash. Don't ask for it. Order it.
Don't ask for a better job. If you want to be a fashion designer who travels around the world and gets free invites to major fashion shows and has 500,000 monthly orders, then order that.
Don't ask for a romantic partner. If you want a 6footer,slim,black,bilingual archaeologist then order that. Order it loudly enough so your waiter can hear you, and people at nearby tables will say, "I didn't know that was on the menu. I'll have one of those too… with a glass of Palm wine."
One of the best ways to get what you actually want is to take your best guess, and order it. When you get what you ask for, it may not turn out quite right. That contrast between what you received and how you feel about it will give you a better sense of what you actually do want. Then you can make a better guess and take another chance at placing an order.
As you repeat this process, you'll gradually hone in on what you actually desire most at a very deep level. And then you'll get a chance to receive and experience it fully.
Realize that this is an iterative process. Don't be a perfectionist. That's like sitting in a restaurant for hours, trying to decide what you want, while impatient waiters periodically refill your water glass and pressure you to order something. It's just a meal, so make a decision, get fed, and get out. Even if it turns out to be less than you hoped for, there will be plenty of other meals. The occasional bad meal is inevitable.
What happens if you change your order before you receive it? Same thing that happens in a real restaurant. What would happen if you grabbed the waiter and changed your order before it arrived? No problem, but you'll have to wait even longer because the waiter has to cancel the original order and then submit the new one.
And if you keep doing that over and over, you'll piss off the waiter and will never receive a meal.
Have you been doing something like that in real life? Blue… no red… no blue! Ahhhh!
What happens if you order something, and then when you get it, you don't like it? You can eat it anyway, or you can send it back. Either way, there will be other meals. You can always order again. Learn from the experience, and do your best to make a more intelligent choice next time. You may need to sample a few items from the menu to figure out what you like and don't like. Your first order at any new restaurant may very well be your worst experience there.
What happens if you complain about the way the system works? It's not fair! I can't figure out what I want! I keep going back and forth between two possibilities!(Like what happen to me Hilton in Abuja few weeks ago I was having trouble with what to take from the buffet table)
If you rail against the system, it's not going to work for you. If you can't follow the simple rules, the system will process you like a confused customer till you figure it out.
Here are the rules: Decide what you want, order it, receive it, and digest it. It's not rocket science. Don't make it complicated. It's easier to follow the rules than it is to break them.
Your Choice
Despite the obvious drawbacks, you're still free to make your choice. Whenever you choose. You're free to make a vague request. You're free to change your mind every 5 minutes. You're free to reject your order after it arrives. But of course all of those actions have consequences.
Technically speaking, this isn't a problem. The Universal Restaurant is robust enough to handle people like that. It will process them without prejudice. However, they won't have a very good experience, and in the end they will be disappointed with the food and/or service.
This restaurant, however, is perfectly capable of preparing the most amazing gourmet meals you could ever fancy. You just have to order properly. Be specific. Be clear, direct, and confident. Be audible. And don't keep changing your mind after you've placed your order.
When you receive your order, accept it with gratitude. Smell it. Taste it. Savor each delicious bite. Share it with others at your table if they'd like a taste, and taste some of their food too. It won't be perfect, but it's better than going hungry. Learn from the experience, and allow it to inform your future ordering decisions. Eventually you'll become a master connoisseur of the Universal Restaurant.
Work with the rules of the Universal Restaurant to enjoy the best meals of your life. Don't rail against the system. Don't be a clueless customer. .
Note: The Universal Restaurant is not to be confused with The Restaurant at the End of the Universe-The "LAST SUPPER" make sure you prepare for that too!
Tony Egba
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