You are better than whom you think you are!
What if you were truly magnificent?
What if you were brilliant and powerful and full of light?
What if you had the power of the Universe at your fingertips?
In fact, what if the power of the Universe wasn't just at your fingertips, but was within you - every moment of every day?
What if all of these “ifs” are true?
If it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
Then I have a question for you...
What difference does that make to how you live your life?
What difference does it make to how you feel now?
What difference does it make to what you focus on?
How do you spend your time now that your magnificence is true?
What are the challenges you now release?
What fears no longer hold you?
What doubts are washed away with your light?
Again I say, if it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
How do you treat yourself?
How do you treat everyone else?
How do you honor yourself?
How do you celebrate yourself?
How do you connect with others?
How do you connect with yourself?
Once more I say, if it is true that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day...
What are you excited about?
What do you know is possible?
How do you choose to express and experience your magnificence?
How do you choose to express and experience your abundance?
How do you choose to express and experience your joy?
How do you choose to express and experience your love?
How do you choose to express and experience your energy?
The Universe knows that you are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light - even when you don't fully see it. (If you still doubt me check Ps. 139)
The Universe knows that you are a unique expression here to fill the world with your own powerful version of the energy that connects all of us.
The Universe knows that everything you dream of is here for you to experience when you allow it to flow to you.
The Universe loves you - no matter what - and always - unconditionally.
What if you loved yourself as the Universe loves you?
What would it take for that love to show up?
What would it take for you to relax and breathe into the Universe?
Here is the truth...
You are truly magnificent and brilliant and powerful and full of light with the power of the Universe filling you up and radiating from you every moment of every day!
That is truth and when you allow and receive all that means...
The truth will set you free! This is the New DAWN! Get your own copy today.
Tony Egba
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