Monday, 12 December 2011

Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

19 more days to 2012

So Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

To “be” right implies a need for others to recognize you as such … to be proven right, seen as right. Again, it emanates from the ego and is vastly different than doing right, which has no need for external recognition. Doing right has no need for others to know you are right.

So to what extent would you choose not being seen as right if you could be happier for it?

Could you choose not to prove your point if you were all the happier for not doing so?

Of course there are many situations where differences need to be sorted out, and where your particular and opposing viewpoint may in fact make an important impact on a given situation.

There are many situations where in fact others see black where you see white, and by helping them to see white you achieve some important benefit like saving money or preventing accidents or things like that.

Dealing with disagreements is standard fare in life.

Dealing with them harshly – that is, with the ego, as if every opposing viewpoint is a personal insult to your rightness – does not have to be.

There is a world of difference between contributing to the greater good (between a couple, in a family, a business, a nation, etc.) versus needing to be seen as right.

And all that said, in MOST situations where people claw, struggle and crack away at their happiness to be proven right, it means little to nothing to less than nothing anyway.

Is it really right if you ARE right about putting the toilet seat up or down but it ruins your morning, and chips away at the health of your relationship, to prove it?

Is it really right if you ARE right about religion, the economy, and your politics but you end up angry and despising large segments of the population to prove it?
An Intense, Trans formative Experience for you to Try

The next time you KNOW you are right about something with a spouse, significant other or anyone close to you whose viewpoint opposes yours, consciously back off the need to be right.

Even as that “I’m right about this!” feeling wells up inside your chest, catch it and stop yourself from reacting this time.

Instead, consider if there is truly a reason to even pursue the issue at all.

Will resolving the difference really lead to an important benefit, such as preventing accidents, improving health, making or saving money or the like? If so, consciously remind yourself to proceed softly and kindly this time … remind yourself (and tell the other person!) that you are pursuing this discussion gently to achieve the desired benefit, not to have to be seen as right.

Chances are, though, that like most such situations, your need to be right is mostly an ego thing. The potential benefits of the other person seeing you as right don’t equal the stress, the erosion of peace and happiness that can occur to demonstrate you are right.

In which case, just back off your egos desire to prove you are right at all. This time. Let it go with your spouse, significant other or whoever you are in disagreement with.

Let them believe they are right.

And watch and evaluate your own reactions to letting them believe they are right.

Most people are astonished at how difficult this actually is for them. Through this experience most people are startled at the choke hold their ego actually has on them. Even though knowing that you having to be seen as right can harm the peace and happiness, letting someone (especially someone close to you) believe they are right to avoid the harm is a mighty hard thing to do.

“But they’re going to THINK they are right!” your ego may shout. “They’re ALWAYS going to think they’re right!” you may hear your ego insisting.

Recognizing your ego’s choke hold on your happiness in this manner is the first step in removing that choke hold.

After this first time of letting go of the need to be right -- even and especially if it means your opposition will think they’re right – watch what happens.

Likely, here is what will happen: your world won’t collapse. Things won’t fall to pieces because you didn’t demonstrate you were right.

Likely, here is what will also happen: there will be no arguments. No clashes between your ego and someone else’s. Nothing cracking away at your greater peace and happiness.

So then, if you want to move toward being happier, try the experience again when the opportunity arises. Consciously back off the need to be right again. Watch how your ego responds this time, so you know where you need to work on being in control of it versus it being in control of you.

And watch how your world doesn’t cave in even if you aren’t seen as being right … how quite the contrary occurs, in fact.

Approaching it like this – consciously backing off the need to be right one situation at a time, versus trying to commit to doing it for good – makes your success and happiness much more likely.

Another thing that tends to happen is that, over time, those close to you see and feel the example you are living and they end up following suite.

Though not necessarily at the pace you might prefer, but they end up backing off the need to be right, too, making life all the more pleasant.

Our greatest right of all is our gift, our blessing, our ability to pursue our happiness. But most people are their own biggest barriers in that pursuit. Is your need to be right preventing you from achieving this greatest right?

Which would you rather be, right or happy?

Be always read to go the Extra-Mile!

Nwa oma na sobodo!

Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

19 more days to 2012

So Which Value Do You Really Hold Higher?

To “be” right implies a need for others to recognize you as such … to be proven right, seen as right. Again, it emanates from the ego and is vastly different than doing right, which has no need for external recognition. Doing right has no need for others to know you are right.

So to what extent would you choose not being seen as right if you could be happier for it?

Could you choose not to prove your point if you were all the happier for not doing so?

Of course there are many situations where differences need to be sorted out, and where your particular and opposing viewpoint may in fact make an important impact on a given situation.

There are many situations where in fact others see black where you see white, and by helping them to see white you achieve some important benefit like saving money or preventing accidents or things like that.

Dealing with disagreements is standard fare in life.

Dealing with them harshly – that is, with the ego, as if every opposing viewpoint is a personal insult to your rightness – does not have to be.

There is a world of difference between contributing to the greater good (between a couple, in a family, a business, a nation, etc.) versus needing to be seen as right.

And all that said, in MOST situations where people claw, struggle and crack away at their happiness to be proven right, it means little to nothing to less than nothing anyway.

Is it really right if you ARE right about putting the toilet seat up or down but it ruins your morning, and chips away at the health of your relationship, to prove it?

Is it really right if you ARE right about religion, the economy, and your politics but you end up angry and despising large segments of the population to prove it?
An Intense, Trans formative Experience for you to Try

The next time you KNOW you are right about something with a spouse, significant other or anyone close to you whose viewpoint opposes yours, consciously back off the need to be right.

Even as that “I’m right about this!” feeling wells up inside your chest, catch it and stop yourself from reacting this time.

Instead, consider if there is truly a reason to even pursue the issue at all.

Will resolving the difference really lead to an important benefit, such as preventing accidents, improving health, making or saving money or the like? If so, consciously remind yourself to proceed softly and kindly this time … remind yourself (and tell the other person!) that you are pursuing this discussion gently to achieve the desired benefit, not to have to be seen as right.

Chances are, though, that like most such situations, your need to be right is mostly an ego thing. The potential benefits of the other person seeing you as right don’t equal the stress, the erosion of peace and happiness that can occur to demonstrate you are right.

In which case, just back off your egos desire to prove you are right at all. This time. Let it go with your spouse, significant other or whoever you are in disagreement with.

Let them believe they are right.

And watch and evaluate your own reactions to letting them believe they are right.

Most people are astonished at how difficult this actually is for them. Through this experience most people are startled at the choke hold their ego actually has on them. Even though knowing that you having to be seen as right can harm the peace and happiness, letting someone (especially someone close to you) believe they are right to avoid the harm is a mighty hard thing to do.

“But they’re going to THINK they are right!” your ego may shout. “They’re ALWAYS going to think they’re right!” you may hear your ego insisting.

Recognizing your ego’s choke hold on your happiness in this manner is the first step in removing that choke hold.

After this first time of letting go of the need to be right -- even and especially if it means your opposition will think they’re right – watch what happens.

Likely, here is what will happen: your world won’t collapse. Things won’t fall to pieces because you didn’t demonstrate you were right.

Likely, here is what will also happen: there will be no arguments. No clashes between your ego and someone else’s. Nothing cracking away at your greater peace and happiness.

So then, if you want to move toward being happier, try the experience again when the opportunity arises. Consciously back off the need to be right again. Watch how your ego responds this time, so you know where you need to work on being in control of it versus it being in control of you.

And watch how your world doesn’t cave in even if you aren’t seen as being right … how quite the contrary occurs, in fact.

Approaching it like this – consciously backing off the need to be right one situation at a time, versus trying to commit to doing it for good – makes your success and happiness much more likely.

Another thing that tends to happen is that, over time, those close to you see and feel the example you are living and they end up following suite.

Though not necessarily at the pace you might prefer, but they end up backing off the need to be right, too, making life all the more pleasant.

Our greatest right of all is our gift, our blessing, our ability to pursue our happiness. But most people are their own biggest barriers in that pursuit. Is your need to be right preventing you from achieving this greatest right?

Which would you rather be, right or happy?

Be always read to go the Extra-Mile!

Nwa oma na sobodo!

Sunday, 11 December 2011


Secret to Being Happier: Stop Being Right

20 more days to 2012 and today is Sunday in Nigeria. I want you to relax and enjoy this article below. It is one of the tools we are going to use to make our life more enjoyable come 2012 by God’s grace!
Which would you rather be, RIGHT or happy?

Far more often than most people realize – to their great detriment – it really is an either/or proposition. Do you typically choose being right or being happy? Which of these values do your actions typically show that you hold higher?

Most people, without even being aware of it, choose being right at the expense of their happiness. And by the end of this piece you may be surprised to see how much you do, too.

People fight, stress out, and make themselves and those around them miserable with their ego’s need to be right. It cuts life short and destroys relationships, businesses, and nations.

Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They full of complains and misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.


Yet most people are not even aware that the choice between these two values – being right or being HAPPY – is present in most of life’s key situations.
And being unconscious of it, as usual their egos instead make the choice for them. And because the ego is doing the choosing, as usual the choice is shortsighted, fear-based, defensive and unhealthy to the Self’s greater good.

Further, the more intimate the situation – the closer to home -- the less likely most people are to recognize and remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. And the more damage making the wrong choice does.

The need to be seen as right is number 1 enemy to love and marriage.
A parent’s need to be seen as right severs ties to their children like nothing else can.

Watch out for the concluding part of this article tomorrow, but meanwhile less argument today and more enjoyment. Just to humors me suspend your critical self today and agree with your wife, husband, children, friend and church members if you belong to any or you can join my church without walls and boundaries.

Happy Sunday!

Tony Egba-Nwa Oma Na s’obodo!

The Secret of Happiness

Secret to Being Happier: Stop Being Right

20 more days to 2012 and today is Sunday in Nigeria. I want you to relax and enjoy this article below. It is one of the tools we are going to use to make our life more enjoyable come 2012 by God’s grace!

Which would you rather be, RIGHT or happy?

Far more often than most people realize – to their great detriment – it really is an either/or proposition. Do you typically choose being right or being happy? Which of these values do your actions typically show that you hold higher?

Most people, without even being aware of it, choose being right at the expense of their happiness. And by the end of this piece you may be surprised to see how much you do, too.

People fight, stress out, and make themselves and those around them miserable with their ego’s need to be right. It cuts life short and destroys relationships, businesses, and nations.

Nothing is more deadly to happiness than the pursuit of being seen as right. For personal proof of this, consider the people you know who are most insistent on their politics, their patterns, their viewpoint, their way… they tend to judge the most, insult the most, complain the most, and suffer the most. They full of complains and misery. This is often also reflected in their physical health.



Yet most people are not even aware that the choice between these two values – being right or being HAPPY – is present in most of life’s key situations.

And being unconscious of it, as usual their egos instead make the choice for them. And because the ego is doing the choosing, as usual the choice is shortsighted, fear-based, defensive and unhealthy to the Self’s greater good.

Further, the more intimate the situation – the closer to home -- the less likely most people are to recognize and remember the choice between these two values of being right or being happy. And the more damage making the wrong choice does.

The need to be seen as right is number 1 enemy to love and marriage.

A parent’s need to be seen as right severs ties to their children like nothing else can.

Watch out for the concluding part of this article tomorrow, but meanwhile less argument today and more enjoyment. Just to humors me suspend your critical self today and agree with your wife, husband, children, friend and church members if you belong to any or you can join my church without walls and boundaries.

Happy Sunday!

Tony Egba-Nwa Oma Na s’obodo!


Saturday, 10 December 2011



Do you know we have 21 more days to 2012? How time flies you will say! I believe you know that this is the best time to start to plan for your success in 2012.

“Ukwuani shi nmalu ebulu ofu buchi ne lu idu”. If you start to plan early, the chance of you success will be higher .

I'd like you to consider the implications of this idea.

What if you ran your life the way the greatest and most successful
CEOs in the world run their companies?

Do you think you'd be more successful, more accountable, and much
more focused on getting results?

Sound like a "a good" idea?

Imagine for a moment that your life is a business. (Actually it is a business and we must learn to treat it so)

Your goal should be to get the highest return possible on the
investment of yourself in everything you do.

You may say hey, Tony, I don’t have money what do you want me to invest. You are right, but come to think of it, at the very beginning, nobody has money! All that is available to every man is time.

Life may not be fair in most of the issues of life but one thing is permanently fair and it is given in equal amount to everybody irrespective of where you were born.
The most important resources in the world is time and everything you need in life you can get it if you know how to apply your time well

In other words, your time and your energy - mental, emotional, and
physical energy - are investments. –this is your PERSONAL EQUITY.

A business wants to MAXIMIZE how it invests its equity, because in
business, everyone knows and understands that equity is limited. We
have only so much. Time is also limited you have 86400 seconds every day.

Now imagine one second is one Naira, will you spend your time differently?

So it makes sense then, that you need to strategically plan how
your investments are being made, so that you can maximize them to
get what you want.

One of the things I do is to help people manage their life and business well so that they will have maximum return on investment of their time and energy.

If you'll allow me, I will like to work with you to make 2012 your most profitable year. I'd like to help you make this the best year of your life by introducing you to a very special life planning
program called the Personal Strategic Plan.

Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre.

Thursday, 18 August 2011

The roles of Agricultural Machineries Fabricators in Food Security and Nigeria’s vision 20-2020

The roles of Agricultural Machineries Fabricators in Food Security and Nigeria’s vision 20-2020

A paper presented by Engr. Anthony Egba, the National Secretary, Agricultural Machineries and Equipment Fabricators Association of Nigeria(AMEFAN) at the stimuli to sustainable Development in an Emerging Market and actualization of Nigeria’s Vision20-2020 on 15th of August 2011 Four point by Sheraton, Ikoyi, Lagos

Nigeria is the trigger point of Africa and we are blessed in all kinds of mineral and human resources that you can think of.
Nigeria also is the largest producer of most of the agricultural produce in the world (maybe you may want to say that is before the advent of OIL). We have the potential as a country to feed the whole of African nations. And I believe that instead of giving other country military aids only, Nigeria should be giving Garri, cassava flour, fufu, flour millet, flour sorghum, ground nut oil and others to other African country.

This act of giving food aids will not only generate goodwill for our nation but it will also lead to wealth creation by generating millions of jobs.
However in order to achieve this laudable goal of African food basket which we are potentially capable of, we must step up our activities in massive food production.
We have the land, we have the climate and environment, we don’t need green houses to produce our crops and with Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), we can produce the right yields per hectare of land that will make agricultural enterprise profitable.

With this dispensation that Mr. President is interested in projecting agriculture, it is imperative to make the practice of agriculture lucrative in all the three levels that agriculture should be practiced in Nigeria
• Small scale farming- should and must be profitable
• Medium scale farming-should and must be profitable
• Large scale farming-should and must be profitable

The present rural to urban migration of both the youths and adults is detriment to the goal of agricultural development.
It is an urgent issue that incentives must be put in place to make rural life attractive in such a way that there will be backward flow of youth from urban to rural areas.

This could be simply done by making it possible that I can watch my darling Arsenal, Chelsea or Manchester play, make internet service available and every where you are, you are at the centre of the world.
The irony is that no matter the increase in our farming productivity. If there is no value addition to these produce, starting from farm gate, the whole farming activities will just be a shared drugery.

There could be no value addition if there is no processing (either partial or full processing). And there will be no processing without processing technologies in form of machines and equipment.

There will be no equipment if there are no Equipment Fabricators.
No country in the world will depend on importation of technology to develop her economy.

For Japan to develop, Japan closed her doors to imported technology and encouraged her engineers, technologists and technicians to come up with home grown technologies. The same for China, India and all other Asian countries.

For Nigeria to develop, we must develop our home grown technology. Technologies are not transferred. Technologies are appropriated and adapted to suit the conditions of the host country.

If we must become the real giant of Africa, we must be able to feed our populace very well and then be ready to feed the whole of Africa. We must be able to produce and process our agricultural produce within the country.

We cannot produce cocoa and sell cocoa beans to Europe for $3000per ton and then buy it back in chocolate at $1.00per 10g can you imagine the huge loss and difference.

There must be a LAW that every produce must be partially processed at least before we can export it for example cassava root to garri, ginger root to ginger powder, Shea butter nut to Shea butter oil etc.

We cannot depend on the equipment imported from China to achieve the above goals we cannot keep people overseas busy and employed at the expense of our people.

The equipment fabrication business alone can give job to 5million Nigerians directly and indirectly. However there are lots of constrains confronting this industry in Nigeria. Some of this constrains I will discuss below:

Constrains of Agricultural Equipment Fabrication in Nigeria.

1. Land holding and land yield per hectare in Nigeria. The average farmers in Nigeria have a very small land portion to farm and coupled with poor agric practice the yield per hectare is very small. Therefore the use of machines and equipment is not profitable.

2. Government policies are not encouraging application of technology in agriculture. The vision and mission of Federal Ministry of Agriculture in Nigeria has no proper focus on agricultural machinery production.

3. Steel industry, the producer, of primary raw material (iron and steel) is almost nonexistent in the nation thereby making the manufacturers of agric equipment to depend on imported iron and steel

4. Power sector in the nation is not stable and diesel is unbearably expensive thereby making the cost of fabricating equipment very high.

5. The primary machines necessary for equipment fabrication that are available to Nigerian fabricators are obsolete as they cannot afford the new and modern equipment.

6. Fund is not available to Nigerian fabricators. The paper fund that was announced in the press by the central bank of Nigeria is not accessible to fabricators.

7. The federal government through her agencies, apart from few of them like RMRDC, NCAM, NEPC and IITA, are not helping the fabricators to develop their capacity.

8. Capacity building of the fabricators is almost non existence.

9. Importation of agricultural equipment that can be produced in Nigeria is a great treat to Nigerian fabricators.

10. Results of research on agricultural equipment are not readily available to fabricators.

11. Nigerian fabricators can be described as a one man Local government, because he generates his own power, produces his own water(bore hole) and he build his own road and he funds his own research and yet he is expected to pay tax to another Government who is not interested in his welfare.

12. Lack of entrepreneurial skill among the fabricators that prevent them from developing their business to suitable level.

For the processing equipment fabrication to go the next level in the country in other to meet the demand of food security in Nigeria;


We have to adopt what I will describe as Private—Parastatals initiative.

That Government through her related Agencies should do the following;
• Set aside prototype development fund.
• Design development centre FOR NEW AND OLD TECHNOLOGY
• Supervise grants to private enterprise to produce the designed equipment
• Equipment and facility upgrading for private Fabricators.
• Establishment of industrial parks.
• Exchange program for the engineers in private sector, within and outside the country.

Sunday, 31 July 2011

Life is like a POOL

Life is like a pool of water
Life is like a pool of water. And until you drop a piece of pebble into it, you will not generate any ripple. It may remain still for years. The pebble you drop into the pool is your action, no matter how small an action is, it is better than no action at all.
Little pebble will generate waves that the generator may not even know the end of such action. So also the little positive action you are going to take this month of august will lead to success that you cannot even imagine.
I am going to be working with thirty people this month that will be willing to take little action every day to take our life to the next level.
If you are willing to be one of us, send a mail and register today.
Action- the secret of Success

The truth is, not much separates the great, successful people from the ordinary.

Rarely are the most successful people that we admire significantly smarter
or more talented than the next person.

However, without exception, highly successful people know how to take action
on their initiatives and they constantly learn how to improve.

What could you achieve if you made the decision to do those two things,
every day, from now on?

I think you could achieve anything you want, I really do.

I'd like to introduce you to an incredibly valuable tool that you can use,
right now, to completely change your approach to the way you take action in
your life.

If there's room for improvement in your level of personal success as a
Leader, Entrepreneur, or Professional, then it is time for you to take action.

Do something today that you have not done for a very long time like put on your knickers and do the dish, wash the car or weed your garden. Hmmmn!

I know you have people who do those things for you, but do them and write to me after
The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure."

Sven Goran Eriksson

Using Failure to Ensure Success

In his book "Failing forward," John C. Maxwell tells the
story of Samuel Langley, the man who should have invented the airplane.

Langley was Director of the Smithsonian Institution and a respected former
professor of mathematics and astronomy. Decades before the Wright brothers successfully flew their plane, the government had given a $50,000 check to Dr. Langley. The purpose? To convert what he had learned by experimenting with large models into the first manned airplane.

On Oct. 8, 1903, Langley expected his years of work to come to fruition. As
journalists and curious onlookers watched, Charles Manley (Langley's engineer), wearing a cork-lined jacket, strode across the deck of a modified houseboat and climbed into the pilot's seat of a motorized biplane called the Great Aerodrome.
The craft was perched atop a specially built catapult designed to initiate its
flight into the air. But when the launch was attempted, part of the Aerodrome got caught. It was flung into 16 feet of water a mere 50 yards away.

Criticism of "Langley's Folly" was brutal. But he was undaunted. He tried a
second flight eight weeks later. This time, the pilot was almost killed.

This second failure was too much for the respected scientist. Defeated and
demoralized, he abandoned his pursuit of flight.
On Dec. 17, just a few months later, Orville and Wilber Wright, uneducated, unknown, and unfunded, flew their plane over the sand dunes of Kitty Hawk.

The moral of this story is obvious: If you want to accomplish great things in
your life, you have to be willing to fail. Again and again. You must no quit trying. Keep on dropping pebble into the POOL

At Tropical Entrepreneurship Development centre (TEDC), this is a concept we teach to all new employees and the company we consult for.
But we take it one step further. We tell them that since we want to accelerate their success, they have to be willing to accelerate their failures.

How do we do that? By pushing them carefully.

TEDC is an unusual company. There is almost no resistance to upward mobility.
If you get hired to work as a clerk but get an idea for a new
product or advertising scheme, you will be welcomed to present it. If your idea is any good, it will be tested. And if it works, you will be promoted.

Given this freedom, TEDC's employees are coming up with new ideas all the time.
New employees usually come up with not-so-good ideas. It's not because they are not smart. It's just that they lack experience.

But we don't discourage them. We encourage them. And if we think their idea has even half a chance, we let them try it. We do that because we believe that the only way to grow is by making your own mistakes.
You can't shape the character of a quality person by telling him what he can't do. All you can do is give him feedback and let him learn on his own.

Our rule is: Test your idea as quickly and as inexpensively as possible. If it works, great. If it doesn't work, start working on your next idea.

This philosophy of "accelerated failure" may be helpful in your organization. It has been instrumental in TEDC's growth and overcoming many business challenges and even coming back from failure in the past 10 years.

In his book, Maxwell provides this formula for "making friends with failure":

1. Recognize that a willingness to fail is the chief difference between
successful people and average people.

In Maxwell's opinion, success has little to do with wealth, family, background, morals, or opportunity. "When it comes right down to it," he says, "I know of only one factor that separates those who consistently shine from those who don't: their perception of and response to failure."

2. Redefine failure.

Maxwell says that people are too quick to judge isolated situations and label
them as failures. A successful person sees a setback as temporary and beneficial - something to learn from.
As basketball coach Rick Pitino once said, "Failure
is good. It's fertilizer. Everything I've learned about coaching I've learned
from making mistakes."

3. Disconnect yourself from your mistakes.

The trick to overcoming the fear of failure is to disassociate yourself from it.
To understand that, as Maxwell says, "your failure does not make you a failure."
Instead of beating yourself when you make a mistake, tell yourself, "I am not a failure. I failed at doing this."

Keep in mind that every successful person has experienced failure. Mozart, a
musical genius, was told by Emperor Ferdinand that “The Marriage of Figaro” was "far too noisy" and contained "far too many notes." Thomas Edison, the most prolific inventor in history, was considered unteachable as a youngster. And Albert Einstein, the greatest thinker of modern times, was told by a Munich schoolmaster that he would never amount to much.

4. Take action to remove fear.

Recognize that your fear of failure is based not on logic but on experience. To
get rid of that paralyzing fear, you must take action. "If you can take action
and keep making mistakes," says Maxwell, "you gain experience.
That experience eventually brings competence, and you make fewer mistakes. As a result of making fewer mistakes, your fear becomes less paralyzing. But the whole cycle-breaking process starts with action. You must act your way into feeling, not wait for positive emotions to carry you forward."

5. Change the way you respond to failure.

Some people get angry when they fail. Others, unwilling to accept
responsibility, look for scapegoats. Some people, stubborn people, ignore their negative results and continue to repeat their unsuccessful actions. Still others simply give up.
"There's really only one solution to the gridlock on the failure freeway," Maxwell says, "and that's to wake up and find the exit." In other words, to accept responsibility for the actions that contributed to your
failure and to change your behaviour accordingly.

The title that Maxwell chose for his book - "Failing Forward" - sums up this
philosophy nicely: If you march long enough, you will stumble. Whether you
stumble forward or stumble backward or stop marching completely is entirely up
to you.

The challenges of business world today is not lack of what to do, But to know how to do what you do efficiently, effectively and profitably.

Contact us today to join the league of several companies that we have turned their failures to SUCCESS story.


Engr. Tony Egba (CeO)


Live is like a river full of fish and any man with a fishing rod can go to the river and catch some.

The beauty of this is that no man can catch all the fish in the river.

There will still be enough for you if you are ready to fish

If you meet a man at a spot you can move to another spot.

No man can actually disturb you in life without distracting himself by leaving his own spot.

And you have the liberty to move to another and better spot along the river and fish.

We are all joint owner of the river, don't ever allow any body to intimidate you.

The type of fish you will catch will depend on so many factors, but principal factors include the following:

1) The river-if there is no fish in the river all other factors will not work.

2) Your fishing rod-even if there is fish in the river and you don't have "ukpo" then you will not be able to catch any fish.

You need knowledge, wisdom and skill as rod to be able to fish successfully in this river's of life.

3) Patience- Patience is one of the major key you need to catch fish in rivers of life.

In every area of your life you must apply this key.

Later I will share with you five fishing rods you need to catch all the fish (goals or dreams) you need in life.
And if you cannot wait, you call me and I will send your own copy .

Tony Egba

Friday, 29 July 2011

How to start your Business

You may be wondering, that how do you start your own business, my answer is that you start by starting. You may say that- what is the meaning of that?

Just tell yourself what you want to do, for example, if you want a bakery then you start by saying that you want a bakery.

See you have just started a business right now.

Come to think of it, do you know that everything including business starts with a dream? Just a thought. This article that I am writing is just a thought that drop in my mind.

As you are reading this material stop for a while to think about what you want to do today or tomorrow, take a pen and a piece of paper, write it down now. Yes do it now.

Starting a business is just as simple as writing what you want to do now.
For example I want to start a university; what will be the name of my university?

Now I pick my pen and I write-

Now do your own exercise now, what do you want to do, what is the name that you want to call your business. Write answer to those question now!

I know you are thinking where will I get money to run this business don’t worry about that now. The first stage is WHAT you want to DO. Don’t bother for now about HOW to do it (when the student is ready the teacher will appear) the second stage is WHEN the third stage is WHERE.

Do you know you don’t need money to do all this thing at this stage, all that you need is a pen and piece of paper .
As you are planning your business flexibility is important and you can always change as you go along.

Many business people achieve their greatest successes in unexpected areas. They begin a business and then they find that it isn't as profitable as they had anticipated, then they change direction, using their experience and their momentum, and make it in something else.

The most important thing is to begin to take action. To move forward one step at a time, learning and growing as you go.
There is enough information available in virtually every field for you to become successful. But action is necessary.

If you are interested in starting your business today I will like to share with you some simple step that you can take to make your business successful.

Write or call Mr. Entrepreneur today.

Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre (TEDC)

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

What kind of business is yours?

What type of business are you running? Can you compare your business with plantain or palm tree?

Plantain like-Business;

Plantain is very easy to plant especially during the raining season and within one year if you take care of it properly, it will bear fruits.

Not only will it bear fruit, it will produce other suckers that you can plant into another plot and you can allow other suckers to develop in the same spot.

There are some businesses if well take care of that will return profit within one year and if we plan the business well and you invest time to it , you can develop a system that will enable you to open another branch(sucker in a new plot)

You can also add extra department to your business (growing sucker in the same spot). For example assuming you have a hospital and you run it very well, you may decide to open another branch in another town (sucker in a new plot) or you may decide to add laboratory or X-R department to the existing business(growing sucker in the same spot.)

Plantain like business, that is, business that can be duplicated at another location without many difficulties is very profitable if you know how to go about it.

Palm tree-like Business;

This kind of business will take longer time before that can post profit. They grow steadily and slowly they require a lot of patience on the side of the Entrepreneur.

If well managed, they will grow into a very big company. They are very difficult to replicate unlike plantain like-Business but they could be very profit too if you have the right tools. Examples of this are Big constructions or manufacturing companies.

You must know the kind of business you want to run and you must have the right kind of information to succeed.

Our business is to guide you whichever one you want.

We are also expert in culturing business to grow like plantain plants that you can transplant into other plots

We will help you to make your business "franchise-able"

Tony Egba CeO

Man-Made Depression

Depression in business or emotionally, is man-made. Anything made by man can be unmade by man.

Have you noticed that there no depression in the realm of the nature, the sun will rise from the east today and grass and trees continue in the business of growing taller and bigger everyday.

Do not stop to grow simply because every body is singing about depression. It is your first responsibility to find a way to run your business successfully at a times

Do you know that today, the rich are getting richer, do you know that Dangote is building the largest fertilizer plant in Africa even at time like this.

This is time for you to lunch out and make your own million too. This is the time to invest your resources to move your business forward.

One of the greatest resources you can use at time like this to move forward is information!

After acquiring information you must be ready to take action.

I have a special report that I compiled on "How to prosper at time like this".

Send mail to me to get a copy of yours today.

Tony Egba

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Be diligent to know the state of your business

Good business like a good tree will take time to mature and grow. Patience and persistence is required on the side of the business man to make his business a success. One of the skills a good businessman must learn is how to market his product or service.

Whatever you do, you must be able to communicate its value to your customer as something that will cure their pains or give them pleasure. You must note that customers are not interested in buy products; they are only ready to cure their hunger or desires.

This may be physical, spiritual or emotional hunger. And for customer to buy from you, you must be able to make them to perceive your product as the best solution to their problem. Perception is very important. As a customer, I believe that your product will help me I will buy from you.

It is very important for you to note that the customer is very "selfish", she or he is not interested in you, and he is only interested in curing his pain or gratifying his pleasure.

Before the customer can give you her money, you must be able to show in certain way that she will derive more value or at worst equivalent value from your product or service. You cannot lure a man who is not hungry with food.

You must know what your customers think they want and give it to them not what you think they want

The most important role you must play as a business owner is to market and innovate your business every day. You must always think about it and make sure you are not cut in the web of sudden change and that you are in tune with changes going on in your market segment.

You must always be on constant look out for new technologies and information that you can use to improve your business and serve your customer very well. Don’t ever and never be satisfied by the way you are doing things before.

Every star that you know has a coach. Every successful and growing business needs a consultant. Do you have one? Don’t run your business by default.

Call Mr. Entrepreneur today and for more tips on how to run your business successfully, visit my blog;

Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre.

Monday, 25 July 2011

Be Your Business Competitor

Be Your Business Competitor
Change is the only thing that is constant in the business world and like a good farmer will always take care of his farm, you must always take care or your business so that the weed of competitions will not choke it.
A good business man must not be complacent with his business. Like a farmer will visit his farm regularly, he must also work on his business regularly to know the state of the health of the business whether his business is still 21st century compliant.
The case of Apple and Nokia is still very fresh in our mind. Few months ago, Nokia was the leader in smart phone production and suddenly Apple computer leapfrog over them with the production of iphones .
A lot of your competitors are not sleeping, like weed; they are growing to take over your farm (Business). They are working hard to copy and modify your business and offer it to the market with better features easier to use and at a more competitive price.
Change is a constant and ongoing phenomenon in business world and you must be ready to embrace change at a drop of hat. Once what you are doing is working, it is high time to look forward to what to do to improve your own product. If you want to remain in business for a very long time, you must be ready to compete with your own products. Don’t wait until your competitor will come up with a better product before you start to do something about yours.
The constant question that must be on your lips about your business is-What next can we do to improve this product or service. What is the best way we can promote this product? - What is the best way we can serve our customer? - What could be Version 9.0 of this product?
Changes is being driven by explosion in information and technology a businessman that want to be successful in today’s global world must be ready to flow with the trend or he will be left behind .
The best and the fastest way to key abreast of what is happening in the business world is to engage the service of a business coach who will make sure that your business is window 10 compliant!
Tony Egba (CeO)
Tropical Entrepreneurship Development Centre. (TEDC)

Sunday, 24 July 2011


Good farm left alone without attention will be overthrown by weed, rodents and disease. This same phenomenon is applicable to a business that looks good at inception and suddenly the lucrative business decline sharply in growth and in profitability.

The weeds, the rodents and diseases has taken their toll on the business.

What are the weeds in business?

Competitions are the weeds in business, when what you are doing is successful, there are other observers who are taking note and they also want to do the same thing.
The only resource resident in your business which is your special knowledge and skill are actually not a secret and with free flow of information, other people will soon discover what you are doing and they will bring another product or service similar to yours and they will offer it to the market.

Like a good farmer who not allow weed to kill his crop, you also must not allow completion to kill your business too. You can only do this by staying abreast of and development around you and keep improving your product or service.
Rodents in your business.

This could be represent in your business by your internal staff, outsource staff or even your suppliers. If don’t have a very good business system and checklist that will make it possible to monitor the activities going on in your business, then the negative activity of your staff can ruin your company.
Even a well meaning staff who don’t know what to do and the time to do them is a rodent who is busy nibbling away the fabric of your business.

The antidote to rodent in your business is to put a system in place that will help you to monitor activities in your company even when you are not there physically.

Like a good farmer will set trap to catch the rodents, you must put system in place to help your staff to perform at their best.
Training and retraining of your staff and support staff is not optional it is one of the key ingredients that will make you to survive in business.

Disease in business

Disease in business are like that of crops are many and of different kind. In business it could come in term of incompetent management.
New technology also can render your business obsolete overnight (like that of cell technology and the land line phone).

Government policy can make your business suffer stroke and eventually die. A good farmer will always protect his crop against disease by applying best farming practices. As a business man who what his business to survive for many generations, you must not leave your business to chance.

I believe today is the best time to call “Mr. Entrepreneur” so that together with you, a system that will put your business a world standard will be put in place, and then you can have the time you need to enjoy your family and wealth while your business will be working for you 24/7

Tony Egba

Friday, 22 July 2011

"Cash crop"

Business is like a tree crop
Sudden wealth will never endure so also business without solid foundation and structure will not last very long.
Businesses can be favorably compared with various types of crops and plants.
May be because I am trained as agricultural engineer and I have a lot of bias for agriculture, I tend to always notice the similarities between plants and business

Some businesses could be compared with vegetables, they are very easy and quick to establish, and their returns are almost immediately. But their life spans is very short, before you notice the impact of such businesses, they are off the season.
These types of businesses have their own importance and there are special ways to propagate them if you want them to be all season business.
Like vegetable farming in, if you introduce simple irrigation (water pump and well) you can produce vegetable profitably all the year round.

Some businesses are like pepper plants, they will live and produce for about 18 months if well managed. Some businesses don’t last more than two years as well and then they are out of vogue.

You must understand this kind of business and make maximum profit from it before new technologies, competitions and market will kill the business.

Some businesses are like tree crops that are usually refer to as “cash crops”. Examples of these are cocoa, coffee, palm tree and rubber. They are very difficult to establish, more knowledge and time is required. It may take more than five years before some of them can produce fruit (profit).
And they are capable of producing fruit for many years and some of them can outlast one generation.

Business that will last more than one generation will require special skill, knowledge, time and patience to build.

You will need combination of these types of business for balance. You will need business that can produce immediate result to encourage and keep you going, you need business that can give you sustainable income to be able to concentrate on your “cash crop”,that is the business that will bring you true wealth and you can leave for the next generations.

You can call Mr. Entrepreneur to share with you how you can turn your business to cash crop today.

Tony Egba

Monday, 18 July 2011

A Living Business

The life of a business

Business especially new business is like a new born baby or a young seedling. At the very beginning, tender care is required to make the business to grow into a profitable one.
Business, like a living been, share a lot of Characteristics with living things;

Business is capable of growth; if adequate attention is paid to your business at the inception, it will grow into a healthy business. Like a small seed will grow into mighty tree.

Growth in living thing requires nutrients derives from balance diet. The nutrients require for business to grow is balance business practice in terms of good business system, good marketing strategy, good people strategy, good financial strategy and finally good strategic thinking.

Like living things, business can fall sick. As you will call a doctor when you are sick, and take the doctor’s prescription serious. Your business also will fall sick as a result of your actions or your inaction. You must at this point call the attention of your business doctor, who is a business consultant and expert in your line of operation.

Growth will create new problems and challenges in living things as well as in your business. As the business continue to grow, in order to cope with the “success” new system and structures will be necessary to keep your business going.

Living things can have accident and die prematurely as a result of ignorance and careless living. Business also can have accident and die prematurely as a result of ignorance and carelessness of the owners too.

The solution to the above challenges that confront businesses is for the owners of the businesses to know the right thing to do to make their businesses to grow steadily in good financial health.

It is the primary duty of the business owner to work with competent business (doctors) consultants regularly to reposition their business in this ever changing world where the taste and want of customer is changing per seconds.

Don’t run your business by default don’t leave your business to grow by chance and luck. It is within your reach to turn the fortune of your business around today.

All you need to do is to call Mr. Entrepreneur today.

Sunday, 17 July 2011

The Entrepreneurs

I am Engr. Anthony Egba, I am known among my clients and friends as "Mr. Entrepreneur".

I don't tell people what to do. My business is to teach people how to do what they do effectively and profitably.

My business is to help my clients  to organize their business in such away that the business will run without their  day-to day involvement in the routine of the business.
My business is to turn your good business into a great business that will survive the owner and thrive for  many generations.

We will help you to put a system in place that will make your business to operate without your physical presence.

The greatest challenge of a business owner today is not lack of what to do, but how to do what they are doing now in the right way that will give them positive ROI.

Call me today to help you to create a business that will make you the true OWNER and give you unlimited time to enjoy your wealth and your family and live anywhere you want to live in the world, while your business location could be a thousand miles away!

Engr Anthony Egba